
God’s Plan For SatanCon – Intercessors for America

In just a few weeks, SatanCon, the largest satanic gathering in history, will take place in Boston, Massachusetts. The event brings with it a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the so-called Church of Satan’s Witches’ Night. We, as the people of God, need not fear any of this. Instead, we can find encouragement in a divine encounter that occurred some two and a half years ago, and which helped prepare one intercessor “for such a time as this.”

Who is praying on the wall?

Suzie MacAskill is a state leader of IFA’s prayer team for Massachusetts, which she leads alongside her sister Lynn. In December, Suzie was asked to intercede and to seek a strategy for what the Lord would have her do concerning SatanCon. Suzie says she had expected to merely “pray away” the gathering. The Lord had other plans — and led her in a different direction.

Normally, when intercessors hear of satanic temples, witches, the occult, and things of that nature, we reflexively shift into warfare mode. But here, the Lord instead had Suzie doing prayer walks and small acts of obedience to share His love with people. This was a far cry from what she had anticipated.

Recently, IFA held its Prayer & Policy event hosting state prayer leaders, intercessors, and guest speakers. Suzie and her sister attended.

As people were introducing themselves, Suzie saw a woman she thought she recognized. Though she couldn’t remember where she might have seen the woman, she couldn’t shake a feeling of familiarity. Finally, she did remember having heard this woman pray a powerful prayer that had moved her deeply, nearly three years ago. Suzie searched her phone and found a screenshot she had taken in September 2020: It was indeed the same woman.

Blast From the Past

On Sept. 26, 2020, Messianic Christian leader Jonathan Cahn hosted The Return, a national and global day of prayer and repentance in Washington, D.C. Suzie contacted her outreach pastors, who agreed to permit a livestream. It was a twelve-hour event, for which Suzie was present most of the time. There were several speakers and worship leaders gathered that day. But it was this one woman, a seasoned intercessor leading a three-minute prayer, who made the biggest impression on Suzie. She took a screenshot of the woman praying, with her name, Judy Ball, included beneath.

Judy began her time of prayer by recalling the time she and a group of Ivy League students stood in the streets where the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing had taken place. “There’s blood in these streets,” she had said. “We are in a city of the living dead.” Judy then proceeded to pray from Isaiah 61, noting that Jesus has anointed us to set the captives free by the power of the Spirit and to bind up the brokenhearted.

“Those people in the streets aren’t just flesh and blood that can be trashed,” she said. “We heard Nicky Cruz say that someone found him with love.”

Judy concluded her prayer by reciting three of the simplest, yet most powerful words in our language: “Jesus loves you. She exhorted the entire gathering to go and declare that single message to people.

Fast-forward nearly three years to this IFA Prayer & Policy event, when Suzie introduced herself to the intercessor whose brief prayer had touched her so deeply. This was an encounter that only God could orchestrate.

They shared lunch, and when Suzie brought up The Return, Judy confessed that she could not recall what she had prayed. Suzie sought the Lord, wondering why He had enabled her to meet Judy. What was He doing? Later that evening, Suzie rewatched The Return — and reviewed Judy’s prayer. She immediately connected what had transpired back then with the SatanCon event soon to take place now.

Bombings and Devil Meetings: No Match for Christ

Judy had prayed about standing in the streets where the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, in the exact location where SatanCon is being held. And Judy’s concluding exhortation at that time to go forth and tell people that Jesus loves them is the exact same strategy the Lord is showing the MacAskill sisters today: When that satanic gathering takes place, meet the people with love.

The Lord revealed to Suzie during her journaling time that Judy’s prayer had been a powerful marker in her life. That prayer had begun preparing her to realize her calling without her even being aware of it.

Then the Lord said: “The Satanic Temple believes this is all their planning, but they don’t realize what is about to unfold in Boston. When my Holy Spirit and glory fall upon the earth, as My light descends, that darkness will be blown away and explode out, and I will personally go around to open every prison cell and release the chains, and the captives will truly be free.”

Isn’t that beautiful? SatanCon is actually the culmination of the prayers of intercessors who have been praying for years! It isn’t the Satanic Temple that is drawing anyone anywhere: It is Almighty God, who has had it planned. His plan is to bring people here to be met with love — for the purpose of their becoming His harvest.

This is a divinely appointed time to reap the harvest. Thank You, Jesus! 

If we are to be completely honest, we must confess that Christians have been less than loving to those with whom we disagree. This is where we as the Church have missed the mark. Too often, we call down the hot fires of judgment — as once did the zealous Sons of Thunder, James and John, who received a stern rebuke from the Lord Jesus for doing that:

But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village (Luke 9:55–56 NKJV).

I imagine the Church of Satan is fully expecting a fight and to get kicked out by the Christians. Imagine the impact it will have when they encounter the love of God from us instead.

Judy mentioned that it was the love of God that had once touched a young gang member in New York City named Nicky Cruz. And Nicky had once threatened to kill a preacher named David Wilkerson. After threatening to stab Wilkerson, Nicky heard him respond: “Yeah, you could do that. You could cut me up into a thousand pieces and lay them in the street, and every piece will still love you.”

In the end, Nicky broke down, wept, and surrendered his life to Jesus. He later became an evangelist and the director of Teen Challenge under Wilkerson’s ministry. Such is the power of the love of God!

Download the prayer guide linked here and pray these prayer points and scriptures to declare into what God will be doing at SatanCon:

Pray for protection over Suzie, Lynn, their families, and every intercessor who will have boots on the ground that day (Psalm 91; Psalm 34:7; Psalm 121:7–8).

Pray for the love of God to prevail at SatanCon (Luke 6:27–28; John 13:34–35; 1 John 4:7–8; 2 Peter 3:9).

Pray for lives to be transformed from darkness to light (Matthew 4:16; John 8:12; Acts 26:18).

Pray for eyes to be opened (2 Corinthians 4:4; Acts 9:1–5; 2 Corinthians 3:14–16).

Pray that every curse, hex, and incantation against Christians will be turned into a blessing (Numbers 23:8; Genesis 50:20; Isaiah 54:17).

Judy spoke prophetically when she saw “a city of the living dead,” but the Lord is giving us a prayer strategy to pray exactly the opposite. Let’s prophesy life and spiritual awakening over SatanCon and the state of Massachusetts, beginning in Boston.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

Let’s pray into this harvest together:

Father, we exalt You. We glorify You. We bless Your holy name. We thank You that You are not willing that any should perish. You desire for all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 

We lift up Suzie, Lynn, their families, and all intercessors. We ask for covering that the Enemy cannot withstand. We thank You for their obedience in showing love to those whom many deem unlovable. 

We stand in the gap for SatanCon. We pray that every satanist, witch, or warlock, or any other person who shows up, would not leave in the same spiritual condition as when they arrived. You said that when we bless and do not curse our enemies, it is like heaping coals of fire on their heads. These people are not our enemies, Lord, because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. We recognize who is really at work behind SatanCon. We pray that as Your love is being poured out on every soul, You would overwhelm them with that love. 

We agree with every prayer that has been lifted up, not only over these past months, but even over the past several years. We desire that our intercession would be as incense before You. Let those whose minds have been blinded by Satan see the glorious light of Jesus Christ.

We declare this is an appointed time to see a great harvest. We pray Isaiah 60:1–2, which declares: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.

Display Your glory Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Were you encouraged by Suzie’s story? Share your comments and prayers for SatanCon.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Canva.

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