
Sunny Side of The Stream: Documentary on Asbury Revival is Available for Free as God’s Spirit Continues to Move – The Stream

Craig Keener, professor of Biblical studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, says in a new documentary, “When God’s holy presence is there, no flesh can boast in His sight, and we’re all brought down to our lowest common denominator: ‘We need you, Lord.’”

What a beautiful description of being in God’s presence and the unity that comes from the awareness of our need for God. We all need God: we need freedom from sin, to be saved from God’s wrath towards our moral crimes, to walk in newness of life, to believe Jesus is the Messiah, to confess sin and repent, to be baptized, to be filled with God’s Spirit, to be redeemed and forgiven, to experience God’s nearness, to know we belong to Him and to have the hope of resurrection, eternal life and heaven coming to earth forever. Young and old, rich and poor, we all have the same primary need and we can all have the same primary love of God.

Redeem TV, a free streaming platform created by Christian History Institute, has released an original documentary on the move of God at Asbury University that started Feb. 8. It’s called, Asbury Revival: Desperate for More..

The film features interviews with a number of students, faculty and staff members from Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary, as well as Dr. Robert Coleman, retired professor at the seminary and author of the 1970 book,

Is the revival still spreading? Several have asked me. We know God’s Spirit is still moving.

CBN’s article “American Awakening: Hundreds Baptized in Gatlinburg, Revival Breaks Out at Point Loma University” highlights the film and two examples of God’s ongoing movement. Concerning the film, the article quotes producer Bill Curtis telling Christian Headlines, “Our prayer is that as people see what happened in Asbury that it just sparks a hunger and may continue to poke the coals.”

The article highlights how at Winterfest, a retreat attended primarily by Church of Christ middle and high school teens, about 400 teens were baptized. “This is my 36th year doing Winterfest,” Dudley Chancey, Winterfest’s organizer, told Christian Chronicle, “and I’ve never seen that.”

Also, at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, a student-led gathering reportedly lasted 24-26 hours. Students were reportedly healed. “We saw a healed ankle after a girl struggled to use it properly for the past 15 years,” Cole Stark, a friend of several PLNU students, told CBN News. Stark said 35 students were baptized on March 26.

Let us continue to seek God with hungry hearts, reach out to others, and see how God will respond to our desire for Him. May he continue to draw the younger generations — those who face unprecedented wickedness in their youth — and bring many to Him.

Aliya Kuykendall is a staff writer and proofreader for The Stream. You can follow Aliya on Twitter @AliyaKuykendall and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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