
Pro-abortion students throw eggs at pro-lifers hosting campus event on horrors of abortion – LifeSite

TUCSON, Arizona (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-lifers and their display of images showcasing the horrible reality of abortion were attacked on a college campus last week, where pro-abortion students hurled eggs at them in an act of intimidation.

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform took to the University of Arizona campus on Wednesday, setting up a display of images depicting aborted babies. The group uses this method to educate the public on the reality that abortion kills innocent human beings. During their time at the school, pro-lifers stood with numerous pictures describing abortion as “genocide,” handed out educational pamphlets, and spoke with any passersby willing to engage in a conversation on the issue.

Despite the peaceful nature of the event, the pro-lifers were met with hostility. In a video posted to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Facebook page, eggs can be seen splattered on the ground below the graphic posters. Following the action, the camera steps out of the display and reveals a crowd of students, some of whom are actively hurling eggs at the pictures.

A second video shared that some eggs were thrown over the display in an attempt to hit the pro-lifers, who were standing behind the posters. Three of them were hit during the attack. Police eventually arrived and escorted those defacing the display away from the scene. The caption for the two videos reads, “When pro-aborts have nothing to defend their view, they throw eggs and jello.” 

Abra Singleton, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s Southwest regional director, recorded several livestream videos throughout the day. In one, she commented that multiple pro-abortion individuals approached the group while they were setting up the display, some armed with insults and others engaging in “civil” conversation. One clip showed that a group had gathered around the display, many of whom were “mad at us and yelling,” according to Singleton, who noted that they also “had some really good conversations.” 

Other photos and videos showed numerous accounts of vandalism, including one sign which replaced the words “Crisis pregnancy help line” with “Pregnancy guilting.” Signs reading “Abortion rights = women’s rights” and rainbow flags were also seen among the protesters

In a more sobering video, Singleton told listeners that she “doesn’t usually get emotional” but was fighting back tears because of some comments made by counter-protesters on campus.

“It’s really depressing,” she began. “There’s a lot of people here who say that they know that this [abortion] is killing human beings, but they don’t care.”

“I’ve heard that a lot in my life, but sometimes it gets really sad that people just don’t care. Because a lot of people, they don’t believe the preborn are human, and once you convince them that they are human, then they start to agree with us — maybe not right on the spot, but we get them thinking.”

Still emotional, Singleton continued, “But there are people who do know, and they say that as long as the child is dependent on the mom, that they can be killed.”

She urged pro-lifers to “just pray for the minds of people who are just really calloused, that they wake up to what’s going on and what they’re okay with.”

Amid the hostility and hardened hearts, Singleton also expressed gratitude for the encouragement of students approaching them and volunteering to help, while others thanked them for their work of teaching people the reality of abortion.

When the group returned the following day for more outreach, they requested police presence. The individuals who were struck by hurled eggs “are pressing charges.”

Abortion-related violence against pro-lifers has skyrocketed since the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade last year, with several recent incidents taking place on college campuses. In March, LifeSiteNews reported that two activists are facing felony charges after they allegedly robbed a pro-lifer and resisted arrest by attacking a police officer during a pro-life event at the University of Florida.

Similarly, during a recent speech by Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Antifa members with messages of “Black Lives Matter” and “Transgender Power” broke out in violent protest. Two arrests have already been made in connection with the attack.


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