
Trudeau’s Defense of Abortion is a Fail – The Stream

In a recent popular video Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, while visiting the University of Manitoba, is seen discussing abortion with a young man who doesn’t support abortion.

Pro-choicers praised Trudeau for “schooling” the young man, and pro-lifers were embarrassed with the young man’s lack of intellectual acumen.

That young man, it seems to me, isn’t the sharpest pencil in the pencil case. But I think Trudeau’s response is dull, too.

In fact (and I speak here as a retired philosophy professor), Trudeau’s response deserves an F.

Trudeau’s Response Deserves an F

Trudeau’s case for abortion being legal in Canada — right up to birth, for all women — hangs on two unqualified yes answers to two questions.

1) Do women have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies?

2) Should a woman who has been raped be allowed to have an abortion?

Trudeau clearly thinks the answers should be yes and yes, full stop.

I think Trudeau’s unqualified yes answers are mistaken — and dismally so.

Thinking Canadians Deserve Evidence and Reason

Here are my answers to Trudeau’s two questions, but with needed nuance.

1) Yes, generally speaking, women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies. But in the context of abortion, if we get clarity on the truth concerning abortion, then the answer to Trudeau’s question is no.

Why? Because, even though women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies, in the context of abortion there are two bodies, not just the woman’s body.

The fact is that unborn baby is not the woman’s body. It’s the child’s body. And abortion destroys the child’s body. Abortion kills the child.

Trudeau ignores this.

2) Should a woman who has been raped be allowed to have an abortion? Trudeau thinks the answer is, again, an unqualified yes. And so abortion in general should be legal.

My answer, however, is this: Rape does not justify abortion in general.

Rape is wrong and terrible, definitely. I agree with this 100%.

But perspective is needed, especially if we’re talking about whether all abortions should be legal (which is Trudeau’s view).

It turns out that of the total abortion practice (in North America), abortions for rape account for a small percentage only. According to Fordham University ethicist Charles Camosy, “about 1 percent of all abortions take place in situations where the mother was raped.” (Charles C. Camosy, Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation [Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015], 20.)

But this means that to justify the general abortion situation because of these few terrible cases is to commit the fallacy of hasty generalization.

That is to say, Trudeau’s appeal to a tiny percentage of hard cases to justify the remaining 99 percent is a mistake in reasoning. In fact, it exploits rape victims to promote a general abortion-choice ideology.

Of course, Canadians of goodwill may disagree about whether abortion should be allowed in the case of rape. Nevertheless, one thing is certain and, I believe, can be agreed to by all Canadians: Rape doesn’t justify the general practice of abortion — not by a long shot.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not “school” the young man who isn’t on board with Trudeau’s abortion program. From the point of view of evidence and reason, Trudeau’s justification of general abortion-choice is weak. And should be an embarrassment to thinking Canadians.

Hendrik van der Breggen, PhD, is a retired philosophy professor who lives in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. Hendrik is author of the book Untangling Popular Pro-Choice Arguments: Critical Thinking about Abortion.

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