
Woke former Canadian Catholic school trustee pleads guilty to fraud – LifeSite

(Corriere Canadese) — A “key” trustee in the wokist movement to eliminate Catholic schools from within, or to supplant the Catholic ethic with one of their own, finally appeared before a judge last week. She now has a criminal record and the title of “thief” that comes with it.

Former trustee Nancy Guzzo was facing twelve charges of fraud, two of them for fraud over $10,000. All charges stemmed from her role as an administrator with LiUNA, local 3000. They date from January of 2021. Guzzo never once appeared in Court, preferring to have her lawyer continuously file for a remanding to a later date.

Finally, as per the e-mail message sent by, the Ministry of the Attorney General, “On April 11, 2023, the accused pleaded guilty to one count of Fraud Under $5000 s. 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code (Canada). The accused received a conditional discharge and 12 months probation. The remaining charges before the court were withdrawn. The trial dates were vacated.”

The LiUNA pension fund, her former employer, had caused the charges to be laid. They would have had to be a part of the negotiations to withdraw them. There is no indication that she was required to repay the Union.

Her “other employer.” the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB), never demanded she recuse herself, especially in budgetary matters, even though they were aware of the charges.

Now a convicted fraudster, her vote on decisions to inculpate some of her fellow trustees on code of conduct issues ring hypocritical and smack of malicious intent.

An exasperated trial Judge, in June of 2022, said, “It is extremely disrespectful to the court and to the Crown that we actually had to call you [Guzzo’s legal counsel] in order to have your matters dealt with,”

It is not too late for her to show remorse and to apologize to colleagues, students and parents. Nor should it be too late for parents to call for the abrogation of all decisions in which she cast the deciding vote.

It’s time to remind everyone that the schools, its programs and its students “belong” to the parents.

Reprinted with permission from the author, the Honorable Joe Volpe, President of Corriere Canadese


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