
Live-birth abortions are on the rise in Canada as part of a disturbing trend that extends to Ireland – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Pat Maloney, the pro-life blogger who blogs at “Run with Life,” has another tragic update about Canada’s abortion regime.

“Last year there were 127 live-birth abortions,” she wrote. “This year there were 149. That’s an increase of 22 babies born alive after a late-term abortion. Six of these babies were greater than 29 weeks’ gestation.” Live-birth abortions are abortions where a child is born “resulting from termination of pregnancy” and then left to die. This is happening every year in Canada.

Not just in Canada, either. This week at Gript, veteran Irish pro-life activist Niamh Uí Bhriain revealed that the Irish government’s “review of the operation of the 2018 abortion law has found that babies are being born alive after abortion — and may be denied even comfort care after the procedure failed to end their lives.” Again, this means that the children born during an abortion are left to die — and the government report, authored by barrister Marie O’Shea, notes that “some paediatricians and neonatologists do not want to be involved in assisting these babies.”

This is simply the latest revelation in a growing body of evidence indicating that Ireland’s abortion regime, like abortion regimes in other Western countries, sometimes blurs the lines between abortion (killing the baby inside the womb) and infanticide (killing the baby outside the womb). There is no moral difference between abortion and infanticide, but there is allegedly a legal difference. But babies who survive abortion exist — albeit briefly — in a cruel gray area, and doctors tasked with ending their lives are frequently unsure of how to respond.

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Stand with Fr. Fidelis as he is jailed for defending unborn babies
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UPDATE (3/30/23): Fr. Fidelis is jailed along with another pro-life hero

Father Fidelis has been sentenced to 270 days in jail by a Michigan court, while fellow Red Rose rescuer Matthew Connolly was sentenced to 90 days in jail and told to pay fines.

The CFR priest will serve his sentence (90 days per 3 charges) concurrently, so he will be behind bars for 3 months.

Like their companions Elizabeth Wagi and Jacob Gregor, who received lighter penalties, Moscinski and Connolly were pronounced guilty of “trespassing, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace/interfering with a business” on February 24, 2023 at the 46th District Courthouse in Southfield, Michigan.

Wagi received 18 months’ probation with fines and was ordered not to go anywhere near an abortion facility or her co-defendants. Gregor got 12 months’ probation with fines and 10 days community service. He was told not to speak to convicted church members.

LifeSiteNews is still awaiting news of Dr. Monica Miller and Laura Gies, who were found guilty of trespassing and resisting arrest.

The Southfield trial stemmed from a Red Rose Rescue at the Northland Family Planning abortion center, one of three abortion centers owned and operated by Renee Chelian, on April 23, 2021.


UPDATE (1/24/23): 

Pro-life priest and Red Rose Rescuer Fr. Fidelis Moscinski has been found guilty of violating the Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. 

Yesterday Fr. Fidelis was convicted of the federal crime for a July 2022 “lock and block” rescue he conducted at a Planned Parenthood in Hempstead, New York. The priest is scheduled to be sentenced on April 24 and faces up to six months in federal prison. 

Sign the petition to let Fr. Fidelis know you support him and are praying for him.


UPDATE (10/26/22): 

A Pennsylvania court issued a split ruling against a pro-life Franciscan priest and activist arrested after he entered an abortion clinic to help women choose life.

Father Christopher “Fidelis” Moscinski was found guilty of two misdemeanor charges and not guilty of a felony trespass and a misdemeanor resist, for participating in a Red Rose Rescue at a Planned Parenthood.

Fr. Moscinski entered the clinic on August 27, 2021 with red roses and pro-life literature ready to hand out to women and persuading them to choose life for their children.

Fr. Fidelis has participated in many Red Rose Rescues at abortion centers, and for this has been imprisoned multiple times.

He was also previously arrested for trying to save babies in Ohio in June 2021 and in New Jersey in January 2020.

After the court decision, Fr. Fidelis urged people to “continue keeping all pro-lifers anywhere who are facing charges, especially federal charges, in your prayers, and that God can bring some good out of this unjust persecution.”

Sign this petition today to let Fr. Fidelis know you stand with him and his heroic fight to save unborn lives from abortion.

Fellow pro-life activist and Red Rose Rescuer Will Goodman told LifeSite’s Jim Hale that the court’s ruling to drop one felony and reject another was a “big victory.”But the crackdown on pro-lifers continues!

Just recently the Biden administration targeted Fr. Fidelis and other pro-life activists for Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) violation charges.

This same law was also used by the FBI to raid the home of pro-life Catholic dad Mark Houck last month.

It’s really a disgrace that in America pro-lifers are increasingly being attacked and persecuted simply because they stand for life.

Fr. Fidelis Moscinski needs your prayers and support now more than ever as he continues to fearlessly battle for the unborn.

SIGN THIS PETITION TODAY to tell Fr. Fidelis you stand with him and his courageous fight!


‘Big victory’: Felonies tossed in split verdict for priest attempting rescue of unborn

BREAKING NEWS: Father Fidelis Legal Verdict reaction LIVE by Legal team

FBI charges pro-life priest with violating abortion access law one week after Mark Houck raid

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Uí Bhriain notes that Gript reported on a paper by researchers published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology last year that examined the experiences of pro-abortion medical professionals and found that “the specialists carrying out abortion were frustrated by conflict with neonatologists and were ‘unclear’ as to who will look after those babies if a baby was ‘born alive following an abortion by induction of labor and without feticide.’” In other words, labor was induced before the baby could survive outside the womb so that the baby would die — and the question of care for these babies has become a point of conflict.

As Gript reported, “This would leave the doctor who performed an unsuccessful late-term abortion ‘begging people to help’ them provide palliative care if the baby survived, the study recorded.” Indeed, one doctor told the researchers that “None of us want to be in a situation where we thought, ah, sure, deliver and then the baby is alive six weeks later and there’s all the issues that go with that.” The “issues” referred to here involve having a child that has survived when it was not supposed to. The medical professionals were tasked with killing the child. If the child stubbornly remains alive — unwanted by the parents and surviving the death sentence meted out be society — that is an “issue.”

The truth about abortion regimes is that they do not only dehumanize the children who are killed in their tens of thousands. Abortion regimes deny all of us our humanity. Societies that destroy the weakest members of the human family in the womb — that leave children to die, alone and uncared for; that consider babies who survive all attempts to exterminate them to be an “issue” — these are societies that have given up a fundamental part of our humanity. We are societies that kill our own children — not just before birth, with suction aspirators and metal tools; but after birth, by our cruel, callous rejection of their need for the barest minimum of human comfort.

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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