
Pro-lifers blast ‘shocking’ new bill to protect Canadian abortionists who kill unborn US babies – LifeSite

WINNPEG, Manitoba (LifeSiteNews) — Canada’s top pro-life group Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) sounded the alarm over a new bill introduced in the province of Manitoba that, if passed, would offer amnesty to provincial abortionists should they abort a U.S. baby from a state where the practice is outlawed. 

Last November, Bill 211 was brought forth to the Manitoba legislature by the left-wing opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) by one of its MLAs, Nahanni Fontaine. 

In effect, the bill would allow Manitoba abortionists to abort babies who would be U.S. citizens without facing any legal implications from states where abortion is illegal.  

CLC’s Director of Communications Pete Baklinski in a recent blog wrote that every U.S. citizen should be “outraged” over Bill 211 and said the bill should be “withdrawn” immediately. 

Healthcare providers once upon a time swore an oath to do no harm, including not providing a pregnant woman with a substance to cause abortion. It was called the Hippocratic oath. Manitoba doctors should take up this practice again and live out their profession as healers, not killers,” wrote Baklinski. 

“Every U.S. citizen should be outraged by this bill and demand that it be immediately withdrawn from the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba.” 

Baklinski added that every Manitoban should be enraged that the NDP wants to make their province, whose motto is “glorious and free,” as “the destination for abortion tourism from the United States.” 

“Manitoba should be ‘glorious and free’ for everyone, including the preborn,” noted Baklinski. 

Bill 211, or “The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act,” as it’s known, was recently debated on April 27 in the province’s legislature, where a second reading was held for the bill.  

The explanatory note for the bill says it “amends The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act to prohibit registering and enforcing a civil judgment of a court outside Manitoba concerning abortion services provided in Manitoba.” 

More specifically, the bill reads that, “A judgment of an original court outside Manitoba in respect of the provision of lawful medical services in Manitoba for the termination of pregnancy, including prescribing, dispensing or administering a drug to terminate pregnancy, is hereby deemed to be contrary to public policy.” 

Fontaine has tried before but failed to bring pro-abortion legislation targeting pro-lifers’ free speech rights.  

On Twitter, Fontaine recently explained in more detail what she wants her bill to achieve.  

“My Bill provides legal protections to Manitoba abortion providers who provide abortion services for US citizens from any legal actions taken against them by any State that’s banned abortion,” she wrote.  

According to the Manitoba NDP in a press release about Bill 211, it comes due to the U.S. Supreme Court reversing Roe v. Wade last year 

Said the NDP, “we know that more Americans will come to Canada seeking abortions.” 

“It is critical we protect those seeking abortions and the healthcare professionals providing them … Bill 211 will protect Manitoban healthcare providers and safeguard the access to abortion in Manitoba for anyone seeking it,” they added.  

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, no less than 14 states have banned abortion in all or most cases.   

Unlike in the United States, abortion in Canada exists in a legal vacuum since being decriminalized. 

The 1988 Morgentaler decision saw the Supreme Court of Canada throw out the last remaining abortion law on the basis that it was unconstitutional. Since then, there exists no federal law regulating abortion, and thus the practice is permitted through all nine months of pregnancy.

Campaign Life Coalition: Abortion is ‘not’ healthcare as NDP suggests

According to Fontaine, abortionists “shouldn’t be threatened with criminal charges or civil legal action by some backwards, archaic U.S. State for providing abortion services to its citizens who come to Manitoba to access abortion.” 

“Abortion is healthcare,” she added. 

Baklinski blasted Fontaine for saying abortion is “healthcare,” noting that if this is true, “what is the illness or disease it is curing?” 

“The fact is that pregnancy is not a disease or illness but a natural process whereby a woman brings new life into the world. The aim of true healthcare is to increase vitality in the recipient,” noted Baklinski. 

“True healthcare in no way intentionally ends human life. But, abortion is all about ending human life. It is the direct and intentional killing of a preborn baby. Abortion is in no way healthcare.” 

Baklinski said that as abortion violence targets “the weakest and most vulnerable among us” there is severe “shame” on the Manitoba NDP for trying to treat “U.S. babies as targets for Canadian hitmen who go by the name of ‘abortion provider’.”  

The 2023 federal budget of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government of note has allocated $36 million to fund the promotion of abortion over three years starting in 2024, while at the same time including text that blasted America’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last year. 

CLC has called upon all its followers to sign its petition calling for Bill 211 to be withdrawn.  

Also, CLC is asking all people of Manitoba to contact the province’s Conservative Premier Heather Stefanson about the bill, to urge her government to vote against it. 

Readers can contact Stefanson here. 

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