
‘Curveball’: When spiritual skepticism leads to sturdier faith

In his probing spiritual memoir, “Curveball: When Your Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming,” Peter Enns describes a dark period. He realized his religious assumptions since his teenage years – that every word of the Bible was fact – needed a second look.

“When what made sense before makes little sense now, we are in that sacred space of having to decide whether or not we will adjust to the curveball,” says the Bible scholar. “And what we decide will make all the difference.”

Why We Wrote This

When his long-held religious assumptions no longer held up, Peter Enns took a deep dive into Christianity. He surfaced with a more expansive faith.

Wrestling with God and with scripture goes back to ancient times, and is “God-activated,” he writes, building a sturdier faith for both ardent seekers as well as those hanging back due to doubt or guilt.

Enns’ previous books include “How the Bible Actually Works” and “The Sin of Certainty.” “Curveball” sees past religious facts set in stone, to a fluidity of thought that was for him fertile ground for growth.

In his probing spiritual memoir, “Curveball: When Your Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming,” Peter Enns describes a dark period. He realized his religious assumptions since his teenage years – that every word of the Bible was fact – needed a second look. The “curveball” refers to Enns’ baseball career, which was cut short in its early stages, sending him down a path shaped more by a theological quest than by fly balls and strike-outs.

“When what made sense before makes little sense now, we are in that sacred space of having to decide whether or not we will adjust to the curveball,” says the Bible scholar. “And what we decide will make all the difference.” 

That path began while he was in graduate school at Harvard University, studying the Hebrew Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament. After pedaling his bike home from class one day, he found himself having “a conversation with the refrigerator.” He stood there in the kitchen wondering if Abraham in the Bible was a real person, and then shrank back with guilt at even having such a thought. But for Enns, what he calls his Maytag moment prompted years of examination beyond his evangelical Christian training and his reading of the Bible “literally or else.” 

Why We Wrote This

When his long-held religious assumptions no longer held up, Peter Enns took a deep dive into Christianity. He surfaced with a more expansive faith.

In the book, he considers a God who is here and now – active and always present. Enns intuited years ago that outside of his conservative circles, questioning the literal truths in the Bible meant moving beyond fixed interpretations – moving forward, not backward. And he recognized that the God he has come to know “honors simple honesty more than going along with scripted roles.”

The chapter “Blink of an Eye” expands the universe to be God-size – infinite – not compressed into a denominational or historical mold. God, he argues, is a Deity who invites curiosity, not lock-step conformity. 

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