
Viktor Orbán’s Hungary continues to withstand attacks by pro-LGBT, pro-war EU – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a week which saw news of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s plan to blow up Hungary’s main oil pipeline, a Hungarian Member of the European Parliament took to the airwaves to denounce a campaign of “show trials” by the European Union – against the pro-family country. 

Speaking to Hungarian outlet Kossuth Radio on March 15, Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch said that the EU’s Commission was colluding with left-wing pressure groups in withholding EU development funds from Hungary.  

“I trust that the Commission will not maintain this unlawful state,” Deutsch told Kossuth Radio, summarizing a perception that “We, Hungarians, have had to face for years the fact that various European Union institutions are conducting show trials against our country.”

These attacks have been going on for years. What could be the reasons for such a dedicated campaign of lawfare – and why have they intensified? 

Deutsch gave several. First was that Hungary has opposed unlimited immigration, against the wishes of a pro-migration EU which “tries to force this down the throats of member states.  

Yet this cannot be the only reason. Whilst Hungary has been ostracized for securing its borders since 2015, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced on May 13 that it would end the open door migrant policy which inspired the EU position. 

The right to groom your children

A further reason for Hungary’s legal harassment is the fact that,Hungarians say no to gender ideology madness, they want to protect their children and will not allow gender propagandists into kindergartens and schools.” 

Denounced as homo- and transphobic by the EU, and what Deutsch describes as the domestic “dollar-left” in Hungary, foreign-funded propaganda is directly contradicted by the child protection policies of the Fidesz government. 

“Hungary’s child protection law does not allow the right of parents to control their children’s education to be taken away from them,” said Deutsch.

Yet all this is known. What then could provoke an escalation in the attacks on Hungary? 

War and peace

Hungary is the only EU nation pressing for a negotiated end to the NATO-Russian war in Ukraine. What is worse, it dares to say the quiet part out loud about the backfiring sanctions regime. Hungary has been punished in the recent past for noticing the fault lines in a fracturing Western alliance. 

As reported by the Hungarian Government site About Hungary, Deutsch  “…added that Hungary consistently took a stand on the side of peace in connection with the war in Ukraine, whereas Brussels took a pro-war, hawkish position and pursued a flawed sanctions policy.” 

An enemy of Ukraine

It is now obvious to see why the attacks on Hungary are so pronounced, and are intensifying. The Zelensky Government has described Hungary as “supplying the knife” to slit the throats of Ukrainian soldiers. 

This is their description of Hungary’s continued purchase of Russian oil. Without it, Hungary would collapse. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has defended the measure saying that he was elected to serve the Hungarian people, and not those of Ukraine. 

This obvious statement is also a taboo, taken together with a realistic assessment of the failure of Western sanctions to undermine Russia. What the sanctions have achieved is a devastating effect on European inflation and on German industry in particular, which has declined at an alarming rate since its main gas pipelines mysteriously exploded. 

An inspiration to Zelensky

The Nord Stream spontaneous detonation was alleged to have been undertaken by the Russians. These pipelines, which supplied Russian gas to Germany, are now defunct. They exploded in September 2022, with no conclusive explanation in the media as to why. That was probably because the neocons did it, and they control the media. 

The economic result was twofold. Prices for everything in Europe went up, and German industry went down. Neither show any signs of recovery. 

The reproduction of this effect is clearly what was desired by Zelensky, when he was revealed in the “Discord Leaks” as nursing an ambition to blow up Hungary’s main oil pipeline. 

Zoltan Kovacs, International spokesman for the Government of Hungary, commenting on Zelensky’s plan to bomb Hungary’s main pipeline

What the Washington Post reported on May 13 was this: 

Zelensky highlighted that…Ukraine should just blow up the pipeline and destroy likely Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s industry, which is based heavily on Russian oil.

Where does Zelensky get these ideas? Surely it is unacceptable to consider an attack on the infrastructure of a NATO member? Luckily, the explosion of Germany’s pipeline was nobody’s fault, so that cannot serve as any example of the rules of this crazy war. 

Further inspiration: sanctions

Zelensky has also been inspired by the success of sanctions to cause economic chaos in Europe. His government announced they were to sanction Hungary’s biggest bank, OTP, hoping to spark a wider chain of similar actions. 

Describing the bank as “an international sponsor of war” was “scandalous,” said Hungarian Foreign Péter Szijjártó. His remarks were reported on May 15, which stated this measure will halt Hungarian cooperation on the next round of EU sanctions on Russia. 

OTP is Hungary’s biggest bank. OTP has not violated any international laws. Its operations fully comply with all kinds of expectations and legislation. Placing it on the list of international sponsors of war is unacceptable and scandalous.

Therefore I made it clear today that as long as OTP stays on this list, it will be very difficult for us to even enter into negotiations on the eleventh sanctions package.

Hybrid warfare

Zelensky is an actor and is used to taking cues from scripted material. The script here has been written by the war faction which supports him, and without whose continued support he and his country would collapse. 

Perhaps this is an example of the expansion of hybrid warfare – a combination of legal and extra-legal means of undermining your enemies. Here, the enemy is a nation which presents itself as the model for the future of conservatism, and which is holding a Christianity In Politics conference in October. 

In response to the hostility towards Hungary – expressed only by its supposed allies – Orbán spoke on May 13, dilating on the challenge facing a nation convinced of its own right to exist.  

If we are lucky, we will find the delicate balance between national sovereignty and European cooperation.

If we are unlucky, balance will be lost and we will find ourselves in a minefield of national conflicts, or under the wheels of a bureaucratic juggernaut abusing its power.

Orbán mentioned that the nations of Europe emerged from the fall of Rome. Clearly, he does not see the agenda of current empire-builders as one offering stability – or any reconciliation with a Christian nation. 

Is it history winking at him, or him at us? It seems Orbán has reason to feel cheerful about what is coming down the pipeline. If a country may be judged by its enemies, remember how intensely is Hungary despised – and by whom.  

The George Soros funded ENAR says Hungary’s Prime Minister ‘the real threat to democracy’
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