
An LGBT activist exposed his genitals to kids, and the media doesn’t care – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — At this stage of the Sexual Revolution, norms are being broken with such regularity that it can be difficult to keep track. Nonetheless, it is important that we do so to call out clearly what is happening, especially because increasingly, the norms being broken involve the sexualization of children.

In particular, the cultural consensus that children should not be exposed to adult nudity is being eliminated, and those pointing this out are being accused of paranoia despite the brazenness of those who wish to destroy this consensus. Thus, a Dutch TV show can expose children to full transgender nudity and claim it is education; Canada’s state broadcaster the CBC can defend children seeing “boobs and penises” at LGBT parades; the Washington Post can insist that it is good for children to see “kink.”

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Join the boycott of Target: Stop selling ‘pride’ swimwear for ‘trans kids’ and LGBT onesies for babies
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The LGBT ideology has captured corporations around the world — and now Target is taking it to the next level by selling ‘pride’ propaganda to children, including transgender swimwear for kids.

Join our boycott of Target to make sure this retail giant is given the same treatment as Bud Light!

SIGN: We are boycotting Target for spreading LGBT propaganda among children

Target Corporation has already signalled that it’s nervous about how consumers are reacting to their ‘pride’ propaganda for children, moving displays to the back in certain outlets, so now is the time to ramp up the pressure on this deviant company that would use children to advertise the sexual proclivities of the LGBT lobby.

Incredibly, one of the products for little girls is a swimsuit that can be used to “tuck” male genitalia, with the tag stating it is “tuck-friendly” and has “extra crotch coverage.”

We must gather people far and wide to join this boycott and teach corporate America another lesson in decency after the Bud Light debacle: you don’t Target children for sexualization and gender-confusion.

SIGN: Stop trying to sexualize children

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Those are just a few recent examples, but what is important to observe here is that the media enablers of the LGBT movement are not insisting that children are not being exposed to adult nudity and sexual behavior—they are claiming, openly, that this is a good thing. This is a shift in strategy. Another recent example of this was recently reported by the True North Centre and Rebel News: 

A grown man exposed his penis to children while denouncing “white privilege” in a performance on the opening night of the taxpayer-funded Quebec City Museum of Civilization’s “Love me gender” exhibit. The museum is defending the act as a “contemporary art performance” aimed at representing “artistic diversity.” According to a news release, the museum’s new “LGBTQIA2S+” exhibit allows people to “explore the plurality of experiences related to genders. It also highlights how they have transformed over time and in different cultures, in Québec and elsewhere.”

“The main subjects of the exhibition are gender identities and gender expressions; diversity in sexed bodies in the animal and human world; social gender norms and the discrimination associated with them; the social movements and their past and present demands as well as queer and trans cultures of today,” adds the museum.

Rebel News recorded an undercover video on the exhibit’s opening night, and the children who are present react with discomfort as the nude man, initially wrapped with saran wrap, is unwrapped and stripped in front of them. Once he is naked, the man then puts on a dress. The performance was part of the Civilization Museum’s “LGBTQIA2S+” exhibition that included various models of genitals, LGBT symbols, and even “vials of hormones.” Slogans in the exhibition include “men need abortions too” and “they/them/theirs.” The Civilization Museum is taxpayer-funded and advised that their exhibit is for “all ages” and that “children [should] be accompanied by adults to guide them in their visiting experience and start a dialogue on gender diversity.” 

TNC reported that the museum “is a provincial government institution and receives millions of dollars annually from taxpayers…The ‘Love me gender’ exhibition will be at the museum until Apr. 14, 2024. It is sponsored by TD Bank and Ubisoft.” While the video released by Rebel News received swift backlash on social media from common-sense adults, it is significant that mainstream media outlets did not find the event worthy of coverage—which is not surprising since these outlets regularly publish glowing reports on LGBT events and, as I mentioned earlier, defenses of children seeing perverse sex acts and adult nudity. The concept of children’s innocence is being entirely repudiated without any debate whatsoever from the fifth estate—and almost complete silence from politicians referring to themselves as “conservative.” The Conservative Party of Canada is desperate to avoid the culture wars—but surely if any ground is worth defending, it is the innocence of children. 

For those tempted to think I’m engaging in hyperbole when I say that there is a culture war being fought over the innocence of children, consider the fact that activists are fighting for the inclusion of pornographic sex manuals in public schools—books like this one.

Activists fought and won the fight to keep these books in schools in Brandon, Manitoba—one of the most conservative areas of the country. And how did the press cover this debate? Not by honestly or accurately describing what was in them. Newspapers like the Winnipeg Free Press covered the debate as a fight between book-banners targeting the LGBT community and progressive, loving parents. Take a look at the images of that book for a moment and ask yourself if that is an honest characterization of parental concerns. I would posit that it is not—and that the media’s willingness to lie about this debate proves, once again, that they are willing to cover for activists who are now openly advocating for the sexualization of children. 

The fact that children were present at a performance at a publicly funded museum in which a man strips down and exposes his genitals to them is horrifying. Worse still is the fact that the press and the politicians seem determined to insist that this is not an issue—and that similarly graphic material is being implemented in schools right across Canada.  

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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