
Leaked memo shows Canadian school board wants staff to hide students’ ‘trans identities’ from parents – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – A leaked internal email from the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board in the Canadian province of Ontario shows the school board is actively encouraging staff and teachers to not only go all out celebrating “pride” month but to help conceal students who are “trans” from their parents.

Canadian journalist Jonathan Kay exposed Pine Ridge’s tactics last week after having obtained an internal board email dated May 30.

“As soon as @kprschools (or anyone else) says ‘let’s keep our little secret from mommy and daddy,’ you’re going to lose 90% of the population,” Kay tweeted last week with a screenshot of the Pine Ridge email.

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Stand with Josh Alexander against school that allows boys to use girls’ bathrooms
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Josh Alexander is facing expulsion for defying the LGBT agenda at St. Joseph’s High School! Finish his brave mission now! 

St. Joseph’s High School has suspended Josh Alexander — and is now considering his expulsion — for daring to challenge the LGBT “transgender” agenda. 

Josh Alexander refused to sit idly by while deluded young men gained access to the women’s restroom — all by pretending to be women.  

Young women should not be manipulated in this way, and deserve safe bathrooms without young men in them! 

Taking action into his own hands, Josh led a school-wide WALKOUT in open defiance of St. Joseph’s transgender policy — demanding that St. Joseph’s High School STOP this immorality. 

This is when the school took action against Josh Alexander and suspended him! 


This attack on truth and blatant rejection of the Catholicism — from a Catholic school — cannot be tolerated. 

People of faith, good will, and common sense must stand up and say — ENOUGH. 

Do not remain silent – your voice is powerful, so make your voice heard!  

SIGN NOW: St. Joseph’s Catholic High School must AFFIRM the biological reality that there are only two genders – male and female. 

SIGNING and SHARING this petition will spread the news of Josh Alexander’s inspiring school-wide movement. Help him now before it’s too late! 

Josh Alexander may be expelled for fighting against these attacks by himself. 


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Pine Ridge, in the internal email, said it would be going all out to “celebrate, uplift and empower the voices of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities” during “pride month” in June.

According to the school board Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion superintendent Jamila Maliha, “pride month could also be used as a chance by school staff, including teachers, to suggest that students “privacy” overruled parental rights.

In effect, Maliha suggested that a student’s gender identity should remain confidential from parents.

“As we celebrate Pride Month, we would like to take this opportunity to share important reminders about student privacy,” Maliha wrote.

Maliha added that all “students have the right to privacy,” saying, “Unless specifically directed by the student, schools must keep a student’s trans identity confidential.”

Additionally, Maliha said that “school staff should not disclose a student’s gender identity to others unless there is a specific ‘need to know’ … or if the student has given permission to share.”

She then suggested that students in her district who don’t identify with their biological sex might be hiding it from their parents for “safety or other reasons.” She then claimed that schools should “never disclose a student’s gender identity to the student’s guardian(s)/caregiver(s) without the student’s explicit prior consent.”

Maliha noted that this policy would be followed for all “ages,” even for kids in elementary school.

Recently, there has been a steady push in Canada and the United States to keep secret from parents a child identifying with a gender other than birth sex.

Activist groups such as GLSEN have been open advocates for such a practice, saying on its website; “Transgender and nonbinary students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information.”

In recent years, “pride month” is on full display during June in many Western nations with the full backing of many corporations, governments, and influential people.

However, as LifeSiteNews columnist Jonathon Van Maren pointed out in a recent blog, the many politicians, companies, and people who use the month to push an agenda are doing so to “grift” Canadians who do not want to take part in “pride.”

There have been some success stories, however, in relation to some Catholic school boards pushing back against “pride month.”

Last week, school trustees from York Catholic District School Board voted 6-4 against flying the “pride flag” at its Catholic Education Centre during June.

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