
The Danger of Musk’s Neuralink – Intercessors for America

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is far more sinister than you may realize. This transhumanist technology seeks to control our brains.

From America Out Loud. The FDA’s approval of Elon Musk’s Neuralink for human experimentation is momentous — a potentially catastrophic step toward transhumanism — the attempted physical control of the mind. I emphasize “attempted” because all such previous attempts have inflicted severe injury on the brains of the subjects without achieving any significant control over the individual’s behavior. Neuralink uses a robot to “sew” very thin electrodes into the brain for interfacing with computers. …

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As far back as October 25, 2019, I have been critical of Musk’s Neuralink as one more form of psychosurgery using brain stimulation rather than outright burning holes in the brain. Neuralink revives psychosurgical experimentation with thread-like electrodes under the control of computers, but the principle is the same — stimulating the brain to control human conduct. Reuters broke the story on May 26, 2023, and stated:

Musk envisions brain implants could cure a range of conditions, including obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia, as well as enabling Web browsing and telepathy. He made headlines late last year when he said he was so confident in the devices’ safety that he would be willing to implant them in his children. …

Musk’s Main Focus Is Not On Curing Disease But On Controlling Human Conduct

It is telling, and threatening, that Musk’s initial list of potential Neuralink uses does not include the treatment of any real physical diseases, such as parkinsonism, the abnormal movements of tardive dyskinesia caused by psychiatric drugs, or essential tremors. The human conditions mentioned as targets of Neuralink have no known physical basis. Obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia, along with Web browsing and telepathy, are not brain diseases. Two of these involve enhancing normal brain function: web browsing and telepathy. This is pure transhumanism — enhancement of human potential by human-technology interaction. …

In other words, the basic premise of Neuralink is not to cure or treat diseases like Parkinsonism or epilepsy but to physically control the normal brain in order to control the mind. …

The FDA’s Center for Devices

Will the FDA protect the public from Musk unleashing a plague of transhumanistic experimentation on humanity? Not a chance. It will promote it. Transhumanistic experimentation is a darling of the Deep State in general and especially the FDA Center for Devices.

For decades, the FDA has resisted pressure to make the manufacturers of electroshock or ECT machines test their products for safety. As a scientist and medical expert in court cases, I have demonstrated that these machines produce gross permanent brain damage by inducing multiple electrical trauma that causes coma and traumatic brain injury with all the classic symptoms, including permanent severe memory loss, confusion, disorientation, emotional instability, and often dreadful overall deterioration. …

Remember that the CIA funded some of the worst electroshock experiments ever done on humans at McGill in Canada, in which women had their identities destroyed by the “treatment,” in some cases reprogramed to meet their husbands’ needs. Remember, the CIA MK-Ultra long history of funding psychiatric experiments on unwitting subjects, including military personnel.

I’ve already noted that during my anti-psychosurgery campaign, I discovered that the Department of Justice (DoJ)  Law Enforce Assistance Administration (LEAA) was funding a psychosurgery research project that involved remote control of the brain and mind. Similarly, the Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is supporting Musk’s Neuralink research. …

The FDA Approval of Neuralink Must be Reversed

The FDA must be stopped from allowing Musk to experiment with Neuralink on humans for physical control of the brain and mind. …

If Neuralink is allowed to proceed to human experimentation — If the FDA opens this door — the dreadful principle of transhumanism will be officially established, and humanity will be much the worse for it. Untold numbers of human beings will be irreversibly damaged physically and mentally.

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(Excerpt from America Out Loud. Photo Credit: Canva)

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