
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Sound of Freedom’ filmmakers sit down with LifeSiteNews for extended interview – LifeSite

Eduardo Verástegui: ‘When you’re doing this kind of work, you don’t sleep the same way again.  How can I go to sleep?  I think about these children every night … Right now, someone is selling a child.  Right now, someone is abusing a child, right now, as we’re doing this interview, how can [one] pretend to act like everything is okay?’  

(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews sat down with Eduardo Verástegui, producer and one of the stars of “Sound of Freedom,” and the movie’s distributor, Neal Harmon, who is also the producer of The Chosen 

When asked what motivated him to take on this film project, Verástegui didn’t hesitate to answer: “God.” 

“Millions of children around the world are suffering this nightmare [and] are in pain. I’m sure many of them are praying to God to send an army to rescue them,” he explained.    

“And God answers those prayers by sending people like Tim Ballard, people like Jim Caviezel, and many other soldiers around the world — warriors around the world — that are working really hard to end this horrible reality.” 

“We’re talking about millions of children. Millions. So, we need a movement,” he declared.  

Verástegui said Sound of Freedom is a “weapon of mass instruction and inspiration” that will put more pressure on governments to act against the depraved exploitation of vulnerable children while enlisting ordinary citizens around the world to do what they can to end child-sex slavery.  

“Wake up now,” he urged. “This is just a movie [but] it’s a reality for many children unfortunately right now. As people are watching this movie, many children will disappear in Mexico. That’s not a movie. That’s a reality.”  

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Tell Congress to end human trafficking as ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie exposes shocking reality
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Human trafficking has become the fastest growing international criminal trade in the world, with millions of kidnapped children suffering in these networks of exploitation and evil.

Join us in calling on Congress to end the scourge of human trafficking – do not be silent as the vulnerable suffer.

SIGN: We demand that Congress act now to end the scourge of human trafficking

Human trafficking is set to overtake the drugs trade, and has already passed the illegal arms trade, as the most lucrative criminal industry in the world. 

Every citizen should be appaled by this vile industry. The age range of those affected differs across the world, but precious children appear to be the key targets now.  This is a global operation.   

With the release of the new film, “Sound of Freedom,” only days away, it’s crucial we send a loud message to the U.S. Congress that trafficking must STOP in and to our country. 

SIGN: We demand that Congress act now to end the scourge of human trafficking

Once you have signed our petition, please share it with as many people as possible – we all have to fight to STOP this massive operation of evil! 

Every name matters! Every name counts!  This will help empower the citizens of our country, and the world to fight back.  We the People deserve better. More importantly, our children deserve much better: to live in peace and enjoy a bright, loving future. 

Please also inform yourself about the most recent trafficking statistics from your state and where it ranks on the list. 

Tickets for ‘Sound of Freedom’ can be bought online, with its national release set for July 4! 

Please keep Jim Caveizel in your prayers, along with Angel Studios. They are standing against a tide of evil from around the world, including from Hollywood.

Thank you, each one of you for your help and true devotion to keeping our children safe.

May God richly bless you!

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“It’s very important for people to see this movie.  Millions of people need to see this movie so that they can realize that this is not far from them,” he continued.  “This is happening next door, behind your house, everywhere.” 

‘I think about these children every night’  

Verástegui talked about how bringing a story such as Sound of Freedom to movie theaters deeply impacted his life:   

When you’re doing this kind of work, you don’t sleep the same way again. How can I go to sleep?  I think about these children every night. 

This is not something that happened many years ago. It’s happening right now as we speak. Right now, someone is selling a child. Right now, someone is abusing a child, right now, as we’re speaking, doing this interview, how can [one] pretend to act like everything is okay right now? 

The life-changing power of prayer 

When asked what folks at home can do to help eradicate child-sex trafficking, Verástegui and Harmon both had the same one-word answer: “Prayer.”  

“The power of prayer is real. And if someone’s willing to get on their knees, and pray with love and listen, that exchange will bring to one’s mind what they can do with their own skills, [within] their circle of influence, [and with] their own resources,” said Harmon. “There will be a tailored action for every single person.”  

“If you pray with a real intent to do what God asks of you, he’ll get the message to you somehow,” he added.  

“It’s all about praying,” confirmed Verástegui, who explained that his work on Sound of Freedom began by asking God for discernment about taking on the project.  

Verástegui explained his simple, heartfelt discernment process, which he hopes those who see Sound of Freedom will take to heart:  He closed his eyes and then looked heavenward and prayed: 

God, you created me. I have these talents because of you.  They’re gifts from you. I want to do something. What can I do? Can you please guide me? 

“And I’m telling you, what can happen is life changing,” said the pro-life movie star.  

The next President of Mexico? 

Eduardo Verástegui and Neal Harmon were caught by surprise when LifeSiteNews asked Verástegui if he’s going to be ‘the next President of Mexico.’ ‘Pray for me,’ he urged, ‘And you will know soon!’

Having heard rumblings that the conservative, pro-life movie star is seriously considering running for President of Mexico, LifeSiteNews asked Verástegui point blank: “Are you going to be the next President of Mexico?   

The question caught both Verástegui and Harmon by surprise.   

“Oh wow!” said Verástegui as both gentlemen smiled and laughed. 

“He hasn’t announced it yet, but I think he will,” said Harmon, clearly hoping for a Verástegui presidency.  

“Pray for me. I only want to do God’s will. I love my country, I love God,” said Verástegui.   

“I’m discerning every day, I’m asking him, ‘If it’s from you, please open all the doors, and if it’s not, close all the doors,’” he said. “I don’t want to be doing something that is not from you.”  

“So, please pray for me, because this will be one of the most difficult decisions in my life,” said Verástegui, “And you will know, soon!” 

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