
Joe Biden’s Involvement in Son’s Business – Intercessors for America

President Biden has claimed he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s foreign business deals and that he never discussed business with him. Walking back on that recently, the White House now says they were not in business together. According to testimony given by Hunter’s business partner, not only did President Biden know about Hunter’s business deals, he also actively participated in them.

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Devon Archer, business partner of Hunter Biden and a fellow board member of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, testified before Congress on Monday. He shared that Hunter sold his father as “the brand,” using his name and influence to sway countless foreign deals. Not only was Joe Biden’s name used, but he was also included in these business deals over 20 times, appearing either in person or over speakerphone.

One such meeting was with Elena Baturina, a Russian billionaire. Then–Vice President Biden met with Baturina and with Hunter in 2014. Following this meeting, Hunter Biden received several million dollars from the billionaire, in both investments and consulting fees. All these years later, following the invasion of Ukraine, Baturina was spared from the sanctions the Biden administration imposed on other Russians.

Perhaps the most egregious example of President Biden’s meddling in his son’s affairs, however, is the firing of Viktor Shokin. Then–Vice President Biden coerced Ukraine into firing Shokin, a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for corruption. Archer’s testimony indicated that top executives at Burisma directly sought the Biden family’s help. Per his request, Hunter put Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, on the phone with his father. If this is true, Joe Biden was not simply doing a favor for his son, he was actively working alongside his son’s business partners.

Democrats insist that Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Shokin’s firing are all unrelated. Further, Democrats say Archer’s testimony cuts in favor of Hunter and Joe Biden, and that the latter’s involvement in Hunter’s business was casual conversation as part of daily phone calls while Hunter was in business meetings.

Intercessors may find this detail very interesting: Archer was convicted in 2018 of conspiracy to defraud a Native American tribe and other clients. His punishment has been delayed due to his appeals.

Evidence continues to mount, and the inevitable spin meets every detail.

Father God, we pray that You would expose every lie and every liar, and that justice would follow exposure of the truth.

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(Photo Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

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