
Mike Pence’s backstabbing of Donald Trump makes him the real enemy of the American people – LifeSite

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(LifeSiteNews) — For a man who likes to talk about his faith (a lot), former Vice President Mike Pence sure doesn’t seem to recognize evil. 

Yesterday, when news broke that Donald Trump was being indicted for a third time by federal authorities, instead of calling out the obvious corruption, Pence yet again refused to come to his previous boss’ aid.  

“Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. 

Pence’s repeated unwillingness to call out the Deep State’s attack on Trump — which is, ultimately, an attack on the republic itself — suggests he’s wholly complicit in it. No one who has been a lifelong politician, as Pence has, can be ignorant of what is really going on here. 

Pence’s main argument is that Trump failed to respect “the Constitution,” and that it has been violated in a manner that may deserve imprisonment. 

“On Jan. 6th, Trump demanded that I choose between him & the Constitution. I chose the Constitution,” he remarked. 

This cowardly reasoning falls flat for several reasons.  

First, the Department of Justice is obviously not enforcing the Constitution in the way it is supposed to be enforced. There is nothing fair or impartial about it. As several prominent political figures have already argued, Jack Smith’s indictment reads more like something you’d hear on MSNBC rather than in a federal document. 

What’s more, the DOJ is acting like the KGB by targeting Joe Biden’s political opponents beyond all reasonable measure. If it had a real interest in upholding justice, Hunter Biden would be in jail, as would Hillary Clinton.

Second, Pence’s remarks assume the Constitution is some sort of self-interpreting document that explains itself. In reality, there has never been a singular understanding of what “the Constitution” requires. 

Pence can claim all he wants that he is shielded from criticism because he’s handcuffed by the Constitution, but that’s his own fallacious, politically calculated opinion. In fact, the Constitution requires him to repel “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Yet what has Pence done since the 2020 election coup? Partnered with those enemies! So much for being a God-fearing, principled Christian.

Lastly, Pence’s actions are only helping further erode the concept of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Trump’s hugely popular America First movement delivered a massive blow to the neo-cons in the Republican Party. Pence’s siding against him is intended to drag the GOP back to when they had power. It also creates a standard that allows the D.C. Swamp to persecute anyone who dares challenge its control. How is this the behavior of a patriot?

Andrew Feinberg is the White House correspondent for the U.K.-based Independent. He observed on X this week that many of the details in the indictment appear to come from Pence himself. 

If this is true, it only confirms that Pence has been a Deep State plant all along, and that he is actively collaborating with intel agencies to take Trump out. If that is the case, then he — not Trump — is the real traitor and he — not Trump — deserves to be locked up with the rest of the criminals that are running the United States government. 

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