
Trudeau gov’t study suggests Canadians who value liberty may be ‘intolerant’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A Trudeau government survey purports to have found an association between “intolerance” and Canadians who are concerned about loss of freedoms and the values being taught to children.

According to a 2023 study entitled Attitudes, Awareness and Behaviours Surrounding 2SLGBTQI+ Communities in Canada, most Canadians hold “libertarian values” and are worried about values taught to children. The survey warned these views “could be associated with intolerance.” 

“There is a risk that people who hold these views will resist federal government messaging around equity and respect for 2SLGBTQI+ communities,” wrote the researchers. 

According to the collected data, 62 percent of Canadians voiced concern “about the values children are learning.” Their concern comes as the country continues to push LGBT ideology on children through public schools and government-funded drag queen story hours and other so-called gay “pride” events. 

At the same time, 61 percent of Canadians held “conspiratorial beliefs” like “the idea that information about the Government of Canada is being hidden from the public.” This discovery comes after a leaked memo in June revealed the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did in fact know about inuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccines and instead of sounding the alarm, developed strategizes to allay the public’s fears. 

Similarly, 52 percent of Canadians stated that they hold “libertarian values” such as being “concerned about the loss of liberties and freedoms in Canada.” 

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AutoTrader fires Christian woman one day after CBC report on her opposing LGBT ‘pride’ at Catholic school
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Mrs. Sheree Di Vittorio, a Coptic Christian parent, was fired by AutoTrader after radical left-wing activists contacted the company about her opposition to the promotion of LGBT ideologies at a local school.

Join us in boycotting AutoTrader for this apparent anti-Christian discrimination.

SIGN: We will boycott AutoTrader until it apologizes for discriminating against a Christian employee

Mrs. Di Vittorio sent her child to a York Catholic elementary school because she expected it to uphold her Christian principles.

She spoke up at a York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) meeting to object to the school’s sexualization of children and promotion of gender-confusion.

Di Vittorio did not expect to be fired from her job without cause after standing up for the rights and safety of children.

Police were called into a peaceful meeting, and the personal details of the speakers were released by the school board. Subsequently, Di Vittorio was defamed in an article by the highly propagandized, government- funded CBC.

After woke trolls demanded that AutoTrader terminate this mother, AutoTrader did so without any investigation, violating her rights.

The cowardice and intolerance of AutoTrader should concern us. Are we living in a totalitarian state? Who will be next?

Sign & Share: We won’t do business with AutoTrader until they apologize for this Orwellian discrimination

AutoTrader should stick to helping people purchase vehicles, not thought policing their employees in the exercise of their parental and civic duties.


Help Sheree cover her expenses as she tries to find a new job: LifeFunder

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The research further found Canadians were split on the value of “diversity” in the country, with 19 percent valuing so-called sexual diversity and 19 percent not. 

“Increasing the tolerance among this group for people in 2SLGBTQI+ communities would be ideal, but the low trust and overall anti-government stance may make this group hard to reach. Additionally, they may be unreceptive to the message,” the paper claimed.  

The report, commissioned by the Trudeau government, collected data from 3,400 Canadians, “including an oversample of self-identified Indigenous people, those who self-identified as part of a 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and regional oversamples.” 

The findings were prepared for Women and Gender Equality Canada and cost taxpayers $60,359. 

Interestingly, while the survey attests that Canadians concerned with the values being taught to children or those holding “libertarian values” are likely intolerant, recent weeks have suggested the Trudeau government maintains its intolerance toward those with differing medical views, as Canadians who would not take the experimental COVID vaccine are still being denied basic medical treatment.

In one such instance this intoleranace was fatal, as an Ontario man died in May after being denied a kidney transplant because he was unvaccinated.  

Similarly, LGBT activists have resorted to threatening students and running anti-hate seminars in an attempt to stop the ever-increasing pro-family protests, many of which are led by or feature children.

While the survey makes numerous mention of the need to include LGBT identifying individuals, it neglects to promote the protection of individuals who face bullying for standing up to the mainstream narrative.  

Indeed, many have voiced that the seeming hypocrisy of the so-called inclusivity agenda was exposed when a Toronto school principal killed himself after being allegedly bullied at a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) training session for saying that Canada is a less racist country than the United States. Ontario Education Minister Stephan Lecce has since ordered an inquiry into his death. 

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