
Biden admin pressured Big Tech to suppress criticism of COVID mandates, new ‘Facebook files’ reveal – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — President Joe Biden’s administration worked closely with Facebook to censor dissent about COVID and related policies, according to the latest set of emails released by Congressman Jim Jordan.

The emails provide further evidence that Big Tech works not as an independent, private company, but as an extension of the federal government.

For example, on one call with a Facebook employee, a Biden “public engagement” director named Courtney Rowe appeared to mock rural Americans. “If someone in rural Arkansas sees something on FB, it’s the truth,” Courtney Rowe said. “What we need is help pushing back on the myths.”

As Fox News noted, the White House previously denied that there was spying on Americans who raised questions about the COVID shot.

LifeSiteNews previously reported on Biden’s claim that Facebook was “killing people” by not censoring more COVID “misinformation” and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki acknowledging that the administration had been “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

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Tell the DNC that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. MUST be allowed to debate Joe Biden on vaccines!
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The Democratic National Committe (DNC), party insiders and much of the mainstream media are intent on preventing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from having any primary debate with Joe Biden, all the while demonising RFK’s position on vaccines, lockdowns and treatments for COVID-19.

To prevent debate is blatantly anti-democratic, however.

Join us therefore in demanding that the DNC allow a vaccine debate between Joe Biden and RFK, finally letting Americans consider the other side of this key issue.


With the Democratic primary approaching, it behooves us to reflect on public health policies, especially with respect to the past three years, when draconian vaccine mandates seriously injured over 200,000 Americans and killed over 28,000 according to VAERS data.

We want facts and evidence, transparency and proper studies instead of censorship. We have a right to be consulted. The DNC’s refusal to allow primary debates is undemocratic, and keeps us ignorant of the facts we need to know. Health is not a partisan issue. 

The vaccine schedule has been imposed on our children for over twenty years without industry standard safety testing. We’ve seen a simultaneous increase in various chronic illnesses and conditions in childhood.

Companies like Pfizer, which have paid out billions of dollars for criminal malfeasance in the past, are now disincentivized from doing gold standard placebo/control group safety testing, all the while taking in billions of dollars in profit from compelled vaccination programs. They are also inexplicably shielded from COVID vaccine-injury compensation claims by the governments they supply.

By their own admission, the only ones who have immunity is them. 
Our voices are not being heard. We are not being consulted and informed. Fear campaigns are not scientific studies. The scientific method requires discussion and debate.

We therefore demand that the DNC allows RFK to debate Joe Biden on vaccines.

SIGN: Let your candidates debate this key public health question 

Once you have signed our petition, please share it with as many people as possible – as citizens, everybody needs to be informed.

It is our right in a liberal democracy. The emergency is over. Let’s look at how we’ve done. The voting public must be allowed to listen to a debate between Robert Kennedy and Joe Biden.  

Share this petition among your friends and neighbours. One’s health is no small matter. Let them debate! 

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Another leader in the censorship push was Rob Flaherty, President Biden’s former director of digital strategy. He is expected to join the president’s re-election team, which could raise concerns about how he might use that relationship with Facebook to suppress information favorable to his boss’s opponents.

“I’m curious – NY Post churning out articles every day… What is supposed to happen to that from Policy perspective. Does that article get a reduction, labels?” Flaherty asked. Facebook, along with other Big Tech companies, suppressed a true New York Post story about information on Hunter Biden’s laptop concerning his business dealings.

Last December, Jean-Pierre insisted the White House was “not involved” in Facebook’s decision to suppress stories related to presidential son Hunter Biden’s lost computer.

Flaherty also suggested that people should be “kick[ed] off Facebook.”

He also suggested that The Daily Wire and right-leaning commentator Tomi Lahren’s posts be downgraded in favor of boosting the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

Throughout 2021, Flaherty continued to press Facebook to act. “And of course, Facebook caved. The company ADMITTED to the White House that it reduced content of certain posts – even if the posts didn’t violate the company’s terms and contained TRUE information,” Congressman Jordan wrote.

One employee promised the White House that it would “attack virality” through “feed demotion.” The employee explicitly said that even information that is not “false” would be demoted, such as criticism of vaccine mandates because it “leads to a vaccine negative environment.”

“These newly subpoenaed meeting notes continue to show the Biden White House’s desire to direct and control content on Facebook,” Jordan wrote. ”More evidence of the censorship-industrial complex.”

He promised more information would be revealed.

The new revelations drew criticism from political leaders and advocates of medical freedom.

“The Biden Administration is the enemy of free speech,” Stanford University Professor Jay Bhattacharya stated. “It is the most authoritarian American government I’ve experienced in my adult life.”

“This next installment illustrates, among other things, the contempt that the government censors have for the common sense of ordinary Americans,” Dr. Aaron Kheriaty wrote. “The level of condescension and unwarranted confidence in their own judgment is staggering.”

The emails add to the growing body of evidence that show that federal government officials are working to suppress right-leaning and non-leftist voices. Other documents obtained through a lawsuit by Missouri, Louisiana, and commentators including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., show that White House officials had direct access to Big Tech employees.

As previously reported by LifeSiteNews, the first batch of emails released as part of the lawsuit found that Biden officials and Big Tech met regularly to discuss what to censor. One email from a Facebook employee to two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staffers asked about setting up a monthly “misinfo/debunking” meeting “in addition to our weekly meetings.”

Facebook officials also deleted a parody Instagram account of Dr. Anthony Fauci after a Biden official named Clarke Humphrey complained.

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