
Kremlin’s anti-trans law leaves many Russians asking, ‘Who’s next?’

Russia’s transgender community is not large: just under 3,000 people, officially. But all those people’s lives have been cast into turmoil after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new law essentially banning transgender people in late July. They, and probably many more living in the shadows, will now be thrown into legal limbo.

“We are left with nothing,” says Nef Cellarius, an LGBTQ+ advocate. He says transgender Russians now find themselves virtual outcasts. “We cannot change our ID. We can’t obtain hormone or surgical treatments. This is a disaster.”

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

The Kremlin’s ban on gender-affirming care signals an acceleration of Russia’s authoritarian drift, with treatment of trans people as a signal to distinguish Russia from the West.

The new law seems to be an outgrowth of an ideological drive to create a unified “majoritarian” Russian society that’s been underway for about a decade. The war in Ukraine has greatly accelerated the official urge to differentiate Russia ideologically from the West while increasing the pressure to create a semblance of social unity behind the Kremlin.

“When you get down to it, how is Russia really different? Strong families? Many children? No. Our divorce and birth rates are European,” says researcher Irina Tartakovskaya. “Hence, we declare a different attitude toward LGBTQ people and the transgender community. They may develop normally in the West amid a tolerant attitude, but the situation in Russia is different.”

Russia’s transgender community is not large. Just under 3,000 people have officially changed their gender in an often lengthy and expensive procedure, overseen by a commission of medical and psychological experts.

But all those people’s lives have been cast into turmoil after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new law essentially banning transgender people in late July. They, and probably many more living in the shadows, will now be thrown into legal limbo, deprived of health care and official status.

The new law bans any kind of gender-affirmation surgery or hormone treatment and closes all previous avenues for a person to change their gender in official documents. It also annuls the marriage of any person who has transitioned and forbids them from adopting or acting as guardians to children.

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

The Kremlin’s ban on gender-affirming care signals an acceleration of Russia’s authoritarian drift, with treatment of trans people as a signal to distinguish Russia from the West.

“We are left with nothing,” says Nef Cellarius, coordinator of Peer-to-Peer, a consultancy for transgender and nonbinary people. He says it’s impossible to count the actual number of transgender Russians because many live in “stealth mode,” hiding in their previous gender or their new one, and now find themselves virtual outcasts. “We cannot change our ID. We can’t obtain hormone or surgical treatments. This is a disaster.”

The new law is a draconian departure from previous Russian legal practice and, some experts warn, a sign of things to come as the 18-month-old war in Ukraine accelerates Russia’s drift into political authoritarianism and social intolerance. Though far more sweeping in its harsh treatment of one beleaguered community than anything in the past, the law seems to be an outgrowth of an ideological drive to create a unified “majoritarian” Russian society that’s been underway for about a decade. The war has greatly accelerated the official urge to differentiate Russia ideologically from the West while increasing the pressure to create a semblance of social unity behind the Kremlin.

“A new state ideology positioned as conservative is being formed,” says Irina Tartakovskaya, an expert with the official Institute of Sociology in Moscow. “The basic idea is that Russia differs from the rest of the world, with different ideas and purposes. We declare respect for tradition and claim that the West has turned away from it. … But when you get down to it, how is Russia really different? Strong families? Many children? No. Our divorce and birth rates are European. Men and women here behave much as they do in Europe. Hence, we declare a different attitude toward LGBTQ people and the transgender community. They may develop normally in the West amid a tolerant attitude, but the situation in Russia is different.”

The State Duma/the Lower House of the Russian Parliament/AP

Lawmakers attend a session of the lower house of the Russian parliament in Moscow, July 14, 2023, where they passed a bill that outlaws gender-affirming procedures, annuls marriages in which one person has “changed gender,” and bars transgender people from becoming foster or adoptive parents.

“You are not protected”

Mr. Putin’s return to the Kremlin for a third presidential term in 2012, following a massive wave of public protests, is identified by many as the starting point for the hardening of Russian political culture and curbs on social diversity.

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