FF 8-4 ad – Intercessors for America

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our …

His Commandments Are Not Burdensome

The commandments of God are not burdensome when we have been truly born again and are walking rightly, following Christ …

Chisels and Chestfeeding

What is the difference between an ancient man calling a piece of wood a god and a modern man calling …

Christ Came to Save Sinners

Great sinners need a great Savior. That is exactly what Christ is, for He is “able also to save them …

“Mental Health and Your Church”: An In-Depth Review

It speaks to us as members of Christ’s body in local congregations. It’s not about how I as an individual can have …

Progressive Legalism & Postmodern Chaos in the PCA

I know that legalism exists in a lot of forms. Self-Righteousness is insidious and must be repented of wherever it …

Barbie’s Sparkling Pink Gnosticism

Gerwig’s task as Barbie’s director was to create a movie that celebrated the doll while also acknowledging her controversial status in …

Philemon and the Opposite of Abusive Leadership

We must find leaders who choose the better path presented by Paul in this epistle. When they speak, we should …

God’s Good Design for Sex

Specific strengths I appreciate about the book: Clary explains how men and women flourish when they live according to God’s …