
Answered Prayer in the States – Intercessors for America

IFA state prayer groups are asking God to move in the states and His answer is yes! Here is an encouraging report from Virginia.

In early May, smut site Pornhub shut off its operations in Utah over that state’s age-verification requirements for porn websites. Mere days after this, Virginia passed a similar law.

Visit your state page to pray.

We had prayed forcefully that this law would be passed — and on May 12 it was! We celebrated this victory on our May 18 prayer call, but we also kept praying that the new law’s outcome would be the same here in Virginia as in Utah: that Pornhub would shut down access to its site across the entire state. And in June, that is what happened!

Let us praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for this victory! Keep praying!

Jesse and Julie Blake are the IFA state prayer co-leaders for Virginia.


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