
Lindsay Lohan celebrates motherhood as ‘greatest joy’ after troubled celebrity life – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A former child actress who has been involved in the stereotypical Hollywood scene is breaking the narrative by embracing her new role as a mother, which she recently described as the “greatest joy in the world.”

Lindsay Lohan, best known for her roles in the 1998 remake of romantic comedy The Parent Trap and 2004 teen comedy Mean Girls, gave birth to her first child and seems to have found a higher purpose after years of engaging in the celebrity lifestyle.

In an Instagram post from last week, Lohan began with an arguably left-wing comment celebrating “what this body was able to accomplish during these months of pregnancy,” endorsing the parental resource brand Frida for its postpartum materials. The caption accompanied a candid photo of the actress.

Lohan continued the brief post with the statement, “Having a baby is the greatest joy in the world!” Such sentiments of excitement and gratitude persisted throughout her pregnancy, as the former actress shared on social media. On March 14, Lohan posted a photo of a baby onesie with the words “coming soon” and the caption “we are blessed and excited!”

Another post from April expressed “good times” alongside images of Lohan cradling her unborn baby and celebrating with family and friends. In May, she intentionally wished a Happy Mother’s Day to “all the beautiful mothers and mothers to be.”

Though not an outright conservative, the 36-year-old Lohan has apparently found deeper meaning in her life after living as a child model and actress, a path that often leads to confusion and misguided morality. One example of a young celebrity falling from reality is actress Ellen Page, who changed her name to Elliot and began “identifying” as a man at age 33.

Lohan herself has a troubled past, including a stunt from 2014 in which she publicized 36 celebrities with whom she was romantically involved. Four years later, the actress endured criticism for suggesting that the #metoo movement was being used by some women “for the attention” rather than with the intention of exposing the crisis of sexual assault in Hollywood and bringing predators to justice. Following backlash, she apologized for daring to wonder if a well-intended motive could be manipulated for personal gain.

Over the years, Lohan has admittedly struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, for which she has undergone rehab, and has said that such a lifestyle “simply isn’t worth it.” A decade ago, she also reportedly suffered a miscarriage that, although she kept details private, appears to have impacted her greatly.

Then, in April 2022, she married financier Bader Shammas, with whom she welcomed their baby a year later. Lohan has moved further away from the Hollywood scene and now runs a platform on which she discusses and shares insights on lifestyle, including the subjects of healthy habits, fashion and food through podcasting and social media.

Amid her efforts to push away from addiction and the highly sexualized celebrity culture, Lohan is quietly becoming proof that those involved in the Hollywood lifestyle can instead find deeper meaning than their troubled lives, as she is finding with the opportunity to raise her first child with her husband.

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