
UK scientists preparing for ‘next pandemic’ by developing vaccine for unknown ‘disease X’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — U.K. scientists at a high-security government laboratory have begun developing vaccines for a potential future pandemic. 

Two-hundred scientists are currently working on vaccines against an unknown “Disease X” at the Porton Down laboratory in Wiltshire, England, according to a Sky News report. 

The high-security laboratory was a testing facility for injections against new COVID variants, and “they are now extending that work, to account for what might be the next pandemic,” Sky News reporter Thomas Moore stated in a video report. 

“They don’t know what it will be, a virus or bacteria, or some other pathogen, so it’s just called disease X,” Moore explained. 

Bird flu is considered the most likely candidate to cause the “next pandemic” by the scientists working at the lab. They are furthermore developing vaccines against a potential outbreak of monkeypox and hantavirus, a disease that primarily occurs in rodents. 

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Tell the DNC that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. MUST be allowed to debate Joe Biden on vaccines!
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The Democratic National Committe (DNC), party insiders and much of the mainstream media are intent on preventing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from having any primary debate with Joe Biden, all the while demonising RFK’s position on vaccines, lockdowns and treatments for COVID-19.

To prevent debate is blatantly anti-democratic, however.

Join us therefore in demanding that the DNC allow a vaccine debate between Joe Biden and RFK, finally letting Americans consider the other side of this key issue.


With the Democratic primary approaching, it behooves us to reflect on public health policies, especially with respect to the past three years, when draconian vaccine mandates seriously injured over 200,000 Americans and killed over 28,000 according to VAERS data.

We want facts and evidence, transparency and proper studies instead of censorship. We have a right to be consulted. The DNC’s refusal to allow primary debates is undemocratic, and keeps us ignorant of the facts we need to know. Health is not a partisan issue. 

The vaccine schedule has been imposed on our children for over twenty years without industry standard safety testing. We’ve seen a simultaneous increase in various chronic illnesses and conditions in childhood.

Companies like Pfizer, which have paid out billions of dollars for criminal malfeasance in the past, are now disincentivized from doing gold standard placebo/control group safety testing, all the while taking in billions of dollars in profit from compelled vaccination programs. They are also inexplicably shielded from COVID vaccine-injury compensation claims by the governments they supply.

By their own admission, the only ones who have immunity is them. 
Our voices are not being heard. We are not being consulted and informed. Fear campaigns are not scientific studies. The scientific method requires discussion and debate.

We therefore demand that the DNC allows RFK to debate Joe Biden on vaccines.

SIGN: Let your candidates debate this key public health question 

Once you have signed our petition, please share it with as many people as possible – as citizens, everybody needs to be informed.

It is our right in a liberal democracy. The emergency is over. Let’s look at how we’ve done. The voting public must be allowed to listen to a debate between Robert Kennedy and Joe Biden.  

Share this petition among your friends and neighbours. One’s health is no small matter. Let them debate! 

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The laboratory reportedly successfully developed “the world’s first vaccine against Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, a disease that’s spread by ticks and has a fatality rate of 30%.” The tropical disease is viewed as a potential global pandemic threat as it is allegedly becoming more common in Europe due to “climate change,” according to Moore’s report. 

“They are scanning the horizon for threads to try and develop vaccines that might be needed in the future,” the Sky News journalist said. “They’ll have them on the shelf if you like, if there is an outbreak, they can take them down and develop a vaccine within a hundred days. Now bear in mind that it took 360 days to develop a COVID vaccine and that was extraordinarily quick. Next time, they are going to go quicker still, because COVID really taught us, that a pandemic can spread around the globe very quickly.”   

Professor Jenny Harries, head of the U.K. Health Security Agency, told Sky News that developing a vaccine within 100 days “would be unheard of.” 

“It would normally take five or 10 years,” Harries said. “For COVID it was around 360 days. So this is a really high ambition. But for some viruses, it is definitely possible.” 

READ: Swiss study finds that COVID vaccine heart injury up to 20 times more common than previously claimed 

Globalists preparing for a new pandemic 

Since the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 and the subsequent draconian lockdown policies, leading globalists like Bill Gates have been continuously warning about the “next pandemic.” 

During a 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) panel discussion fittingly titled “100 Days to Outrace the Next Pandemic,” former British prime minister Tony Blair predicted that vaccines for future pandemics will require “multiple shots.” Blair called for digital infrastructure “to know who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t been.” 

A few months later, the European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a partnership to create a “global system” of vaccine passports built on the EU’s “system of digital COVID-19 certification.” 

READ: WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports 

Moreover, the head of a “nudge unit” employed by the U.K. government during the COVID crisis said in a recent interview that lockdowns would be accepted by the population in future pandemics because people already “know what the drill is.” 

Professor David Halpern from the Behavioural Insights Team (the “nudge unit”) admitted that his agency used psychological manipulation to prime the population and defended the use of fear-based messaging “in extreme circumstances.” He said that visual prompts and catchy slogans can be used to prime people if they “are wrongly calibrated.” 

READ: Psychological conditioning will make future lockdowns acceptable to public, UK expert says 

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