
Bombshell new FBI memo shows agency used multiple offices to spy on Traditional Catholics – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — FBI Director Christopher Wray has seemingly been caught lying to Congress about the extent of his agency’s surveillance of Traditional Catholics in the United States, particularly the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) released a letter addressed to Wray earlier today announcing that documents he obtained from the FBI last month indicate that its field office in Richmond, Virginia, coordinated with two other offices across the country to spy on Traditional Catholics.

The finding stands in contrast to Wray’s previous testimony that an FBI memo describing Traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists was only utilized at the one location in Richmond.  

READ: FBI retracts memo on ‘Radical’ Latin Mass Catholics that cited left-wing SPLC report

“On July 25, 2023, the FBI produced a version of the Richmond document with fewer redactions than the two previous versions it had produced,” Jordan’s letter begins. “This new version shows that the FBI’s actions were not just limited to ‘a single field office,’ as you testified to the Committee. The document cited reporting from an ‘FBI Portland liaison contact with indirect access’ who informed on a ‘deceased [Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist (RMVE)] subject’ who had ‘sought out a mainline Roman Catholic community’ and then ‘gravitated to [Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)].’”

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The FBI is planning to intensify its “assessment” and “mitigation” of “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” over the next 12 to 24 months according to an explosive document from a former agent turned whistleblower.

SIGN & SHARE: Tell the FBI to stop its surviellance of faithful Catholics and focus on the real criminals.

The bombshell 8-page memo was released by former FBI agent Kyle Serpahin on his website UncoveredDC Wednesday. The report, written by an FBI analyst in Richmond, Virginia, was published for internal agency use only on January 23, is titled, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Seraphin describes the briefing as an “intelligence product” that, though not being exhaustive, can be used as an initial reference point for the agency to “prop up” future investigations on the subject. He says he obtained the document from an anonymous Baptist employee for the agency.

“This is the first FBI Richmond domain product to focus on the interest of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists in the Radical Traditional Catholic movement,” the document states. “A search of FBI databases indicates this is also the first FBI finished intelligence product to specifically address this environmental variable.”

SIGN: Politically-motivated witch-hunts of faithful Catholics cannot be allowed in a civilized society

Among the most controversial aspects of the memo is that it directly cites a defamatory study conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on the subject “Radical Traditional Catholicism.” The SPLC has long been rejected as a legitimate resource for the FBI, Seraphin says, but in this instance, it is being relied on as a primary source to justify its efforts. The memo also references three anti-Catholic smear articles (herehere, and here) published by leftwing websites Salon and The Atlantic to defend its monitoring.

The report alleges that its real motivation is a concern that “Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” possesses an “anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, and white supremacy” outlook, and that this presents a threat to the US’s domestic well-being. The report further claims that adherents to RTC ideology “frequently share language and symbolism, such as crusader references or anti-Semitic discourses” online that pro-life white nationalists also support.

SIGN: The FBI’s smear campaign against Catholics cannot be allowed to stand

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FBI whistleblower releases docs showing agents are surveilling “Radical” Traditional Catholics in Virginia

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Jordan continued by noting that the newly obtained document also states that “an FBI undercover employee with ‘direct access’ reported on a subject who ‘attended the SSPX-affiliated [redacted] Church in [redacted] California, for over a year prior to his relocation.’”  

It is “most concerning,” Jordan exclaimed, that “it appears that both FBI Portland and FBI Los Angeles field offices were involved in or contributed to the creation of FBI’s assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.”

The original eight-page document Jordan is referencing was first leaked to the public by FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin in February. The document prompted a near-universal outcry among Catholics across the country when it was released. On July 17, Jordan requested that the FBI hand over a “less redacted” version of the memo for the committee before 12 p.m. on July 25 or else Wray would be held in contempt of Congress. The details of that memo are what Jordan has presented today.  

“We now know that the FBI relied on information from around the country — including a liaison contact in the FBI’s Portland Field Office and reporting from the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office — to develop its assessment,” Jordan explained. “This new information suggests that the FBI’s use of its law enforcement capabilities to intrude on American’s First Amendment rights is more widespread than initially suspected and reveals inconsistencies with your previous testimony before the Committee. Given this startling new information, we write to request additional information to advance our oversight.”

Jordan also called on Wray to “amend” his testimony and to more fully “explain the nature and scope of the FBI’s assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.” 

“This new information raises additional concerns about the accuracy, completeness, and truthfulness of your testimony.”

Jordan specifically asked Wray to hand over all documentation, intelligence products, and communication between the FBI’s Richmond office and its offices in Portland and Los Angeles. Jordan gave the agency a deadline of 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, August 22, to comply with his requests. 

This story is developing… 

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