
WATCH: Three medical freedom doctors share their COVID stories at LifeSiteNews gala – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– Three fighters for medical freedom addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the 2023 LifeSiteNews gala last month.   

Dr. Mary O’Connor, a family physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi, an emergency room doctor, and Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist, all received awards for medical heroism from LifeSite’s co-founder Steve Jalsevac at the Hilton Toronto Markham Suites Conference Centre on July 18, 2023. Jalsevac invited the luminaries to give five-minute talks. (Full speeches in the recording, below.) 

Dr. O’Connor, whose practice was in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, told the story of her battle with the province of Ontario’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. The College had instructed her and other Ontario doctors not to say anything negative about the COVID jabs, but nevertheless O’Connor found herself getting a lot of requests from patients for letters excusing them from having to take the experimental vaccines.  

On October 8, 2021, the College asked for a list of all the patients for whom O’Connor had written exemptions. When she refused to hand one over, it assigned four investigators to her office. These she temporarily kept at bay thanks to a friend who stood guard over her door. On November 4, without informing O’Connor, the College issued an order that she stop writing exemptions. On November 22, an undercover detective tricked her into giving him one. On December 8, the door having been left unlocked, investigators occupied the office and demanded patients’ medical records from O’Connor’s friend. Fortunately, the charts had been moved to a new location.  

On December 23, O’Connor’s license to practice medicine was revoked, and on January 7, a judge ruled that O’Connor had to hand over her patients’ medical records to the College. At this point O’Connor hired a criminal lawyer, as by continuing to refuse to hand over her patients’ charts, she was now considered in contempt of court. But two days before her February 6, 2023, court date, the case was dropped.   

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URGENT: Demand Marine Corps reinstate Catholic who refused COVID shots
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Catherine Arnett was harassed, jailed, denied access to Mass, and removed from active service with the Marine Corp because she refused to take an abortion-tainted COVID shot.

We MUST demand that the Marine Corps reinstate her and apologize for this cruel treatment of the 25-year-old.

SIGN: Catherine Arnett deserves justice!

Arnett was a faithful and hardworking American Marine serving overseas in Japan. The unvaccinated Lance Corporal was subjected to torrid pressure however by her superiors in standing up for her Catholic beliefs when the COVID jab mandate was implemented. 

She objected to taking the shot because she considered it immoral to force someone to receive an abortion-tainted vaccine. The Marines then tried various ways of coercing Arnett to obey, such as harassment and arrest.  

SIGN: We MUST stand with Catherine in her fight for justice! 

They took her license in May of 2022 for refusing to separate (a term referring to removal from active service). She was restricted to base for 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) until she had her community outreach access restricted in January 2023. 

 She challenged her self-professed Catholic Commanding Officer on his views and religious beliefs as he tried to tell Catherine that her religious beliefs were wrong. Because of this, he had her arrested on January 23, 2023 and jailed for 113 days until May 15, 2023. 

His specially crafted punishment for Arnett was to keep her away from the daily Mass that she had always attended. She was only able to receive Holy Communion once in the space of 80 days.  After 80 days they moved her to California. 

 June 23, 2023 was Catherine’s last day in the Marines Corp. At 4 am June 24th, they dropped her off at a random gas station with nothing but the clothes on her back, while her personal belongings are being withheld from her in Japan.

SIGN: Catherine Arnett should never have been removed by the Marine Corps

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O’Connor said people should ask their doctors if they would give up their medical files to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, since this body has given itself permission to demand them. She also hopes that Ontario’s medical authorities will learn the truth about the COVID jab and policies, “so they will no longer be complicit in all the injuries and deaths that we’re seeing from them, their mandates.”  

The family physician ended with a reference to the Canadian Freedom Convoy that took place in Ottawa from late January until late February 2023: “As we say in Ottawa, where we had the trucker … convoy, we continue to hold the line.”  

Dr. Mark Trozzi, who in 2021 was practicing medicine in Ontario’s rural Essex County, began by drawing a humorous comparison between the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s reporting and reality.  

“You know, it’s funny. Occasionally people … say, ‘How do you deal with all the people that hate you and throw tomatoes at you?’ [But] where are they? They’re in the imaginations of the CBC.”   

Trozzi cheerfully observed that Canadians are getting better at not believing the CBC and pointed out the “magical” realities of life, especially at the cellular level.  

The physician also reflected that he was just a “quiet country doctor” when it was decided that he “should be an accomplice to genocide.” His response of “I don’t think so” changed his life, and he’s grateful because wonderful, ethical, and loving people like Dr. Mary O’Connor are now his friends. Trozzi said it was an honor, too, to be drawn into the LifeSiteNews circle, and praised journalists who “legitimately” try to find out what is going on and tell people the truth. He reflected on how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s media bailout preceded the government’s COVID response and said the mainstream media has gone from “fake and dishonest” to “perhaps blatantly satanic and criminal.” 

Regarding the medical world, Trozzi felt that during the COVID response his colleagues were in a “trance from … cult dynamics imposed on society.” He believes the World Health Organization was and is being used as a conduit for globalists to impose madness and that 20 million people are dead as a direct result of the COVID injections. Rejecting the WHO’s authority, he firmly maintains that the primary “authority over your body is you.” 

“You decide if you want to take a toxic, deadly genetic experimental injection or not … God gave [your body] to you,” he said. “It’s between you and God.”  

Global organizations should be the “lowest level of authority over your body,” but global organizations are necessary, he believes. Thus, Trozzi works with the World Council of Health which opposes, rather than tries to replace, the World Health Organization. Its aim is to decentralize global authority and return medical autonomy to the individual. The organization had up to 20 country councils when Trozzi gave his speech.  

Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist from Guelph, Ontario, began by saying that Canadians who care about truth should support LifeSiteNews and similar organizations. He then mentioned having Tourette’s Syndrome and his belief that God has a purpose in giving people such challenges. In his case, Tourette’s ensured that—inescapably uncool as a teen—he avoided becoming “prone to peer pressure.” This has been very helpful as his peers “certainly have not liked” what he has done over the past three years: tell the truth.  

Bridle’s rebellion against the official—and deeply misleading—narrative around COVID began when one of his children was sent home from school, followed by instructions that the boy should be quarantined in a single room for two weeks. Another child asked why his brother had to be in “solitary confinement,” leading Bridle to reflect that there were strict limits to how long prisoners can be isolated. Isolating children for long periods of time is child abuse, and Bridle went public to make this point.  

Then, on March 22, 2021, he gave an interview about mRNA vaccines in which he made three points: that there might be a link between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis; that a Pfizer study showed that the vaccines got widely distributed through the body; and that the spike protein, if it is spreads throughout a body, is “essentially a toxin.” Within 48 hours a massive, global smear campaign against him was launched, and it has still not abated. For two years, the administration of his university has prevented him from going to his laboratory and his office. However, everything that he said in that interview has been proven to be true.   

Bridle reflected on the lengths authorities and the media have gone to censor the truth. When he spoke at a press conference in Canada’s Parliament about the censorship of physicians and scientists, nobody turned up except Rebel News, which was eventually kicked out. The conference itself was shut down. And now there is a new effort to censor the truth and to spread misinformation that he believes everyone should know about: Timothy Caulfield’s ScienceUpFirst.  

“These so-called misinformation gurus … are the biggest spreaders of misinformation in Canada, but they are being equipped with incredible powers,” Bridle warned. “They are talking about fining people for disseminating ‘misinformation’ and criminalizing ‘misinformation’.”  

“And the big question we have to ask, if that’s the case, is ‘Who are going to be [the] arbiters of truth?’,” he continued. “Is it going to be people like us in this room? Or is it going to be the people who forced all of these draconian policies on us for the past several years?”  

“We have to call them out, and we cannot allow them to acquire these powers to criminalize the truth.”  

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