
Bishop Strickland: World Youth Day leaders didn’t mention Jesus Christ enough – LifeSite

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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland offers further comments on World Youth Day and discusses the importance of sharing the Gospel with those suffering because they have not yet found the fullness of Christ.

Beginning the show, His Excellency offers further comments on World Youth Day, having criticized the event on Twitter. Discussing the event, Strickland observed, “From what I’ve heard, too much of the leadership [of World Youth Day] isn’t mentioning Jesus Christ. It should be every other word – Jesus Christ.” 

“He’s the Lord of the universe, He’s the Lord of the Church, He’s the Lord of our world,” he continued. “I hope [the youth in attendance] all are drawn closer to Jesus Christ at this World Youth Day.” Strickland also called for prayer to be offered for the attendees and leaders of World Youth Day, saying that all that was necessary for the event was “Jesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever.” 

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1 Million Names Against Abortion: Tell the Supreme Court to stop the killing
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Our littlest brothers and sisters are being mass murdered every day in the U.S. by the evil of abortion. It’s time to end it.

Join us in calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to end the ongoing, daily mass murder of abortion.

SIGN: We demand that the Supreme Court act now to end abortion – abortion is unconstitutional.

It is a scientific fact that life begins at conception/fertilization.

Each one of us began as a single cell human being. We were all that size once. Each with our own unique DNA, distinct from our mother and father.

IT’S TIME for all people of good will to agree that it is wrong to kill innocent human beings.

It already says in the 14th Amendment of our U.S. Constitution that all “persons” are to have equal protection under the laws.

And yet, we have an ongoing, daily mass murder of our little preborn brothers and sisters under the big lie of abortion.

The U.S. Supreme Court must explicitly affirm federal protection for our last excluded class and end this constitutional crisis.

But they won’t just do it on their own.

JOIN US and use your voice as an American citizen to rightly demand our U.S. Supreme Court answer the key question: Are children in the womb persons or not? 

Of course they are. What else would they be? EVERY human being is a human person.

Join us in calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to end the ongoing, daily mass murder of abortion.

SIGN: We demand that the Supreme Court act now to end abortion – abortion is unconstitutional. 

Sign the petition. It’s time.

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“In love and in truth, the mercy for those young people that feel very far from Christ, and may be judged and confused, help them to know He’s the Lord of compassion,” Strickland stated, adding that Christ was calling them out of confusion and into His Light and Truth. “It’s always about Jesus Christ and the Mission of His Bride the Church to free people from the shackles of sin.” 

Strickland also discussed a LifeSiteNews petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court to make abortion illegal nationwide. Strickland encouraged people to sign the petition on X, formerly known as Twitter. 

“We’ve got to keep bringing the message of the good news that life is sacred from conception to natural death,” Strickland asserted. He claimed violence in the world and human trafficking are “rooted in a lack of respect for the sanctity of life,” asserting that “we’ve got to get people to wake up to [that] reality.”

“If [life is] not respected in the womb, we can’t expect it to be respected across the spectrum of human life,” Strickland observed, connecting elder abuse and euthanasia to abortion.

“We’ve got to keep speaking [about] the sanctity of life because Jesus Christ is the Lord of life, and when we ignore life, we ignore Him, and when we ignore Him, we are dooming ourselves to darkness.” 

Later in the episode, Strickland made remarks on an X post regarding a quote by St. Augustine from the beginning of the Confessions: “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.” 

Commenting on the post, Strickland said that one “could describe the issue in our modern society [as] restless hearts.” 

“Hearts that are totally unrooted, wandering through the world, often depressed and … just empty,” he continued. “They’re restless because they haven’t found God, and they don’t know Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“We’ve got to continue, as long as we have breath, and share the good news, and to share the Truth that brings these restless hearts [to Christ],” Strickland declared.

“When you know the Lord, when you know the Son of God, His Father, and their Spirit, when you know God, it makes all the difference,” he explained further. “And the circumstances may not change at all. They may even get worse. But even suffering becomes something that you not only bear, but you can rejoice in like the apostles. If you’re rooted in the Truth, that the Son of God has revealed to us.”

To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Showclick here to visit LifeSite’s Rumble page dedicated to The Bishop Strickland Show.

Pledge your prayers for Bp. Strickland HERE

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