A Warning from the Book of Jude

We need to be aware of what the main things and the plain things are so that we can set …

Behold, The Lamb of God

You see that’s how Jesus, the Lamb of God takes away sin; not by pushing it aside or sweeping it …

The House of Mourning is Good for the Soul

We should consider the humbling truth that we are not invincible. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. A house of mourning …

One Surprising Way to Take Up the Shield of Faith

The shield of faith is a bit unique in Paul’s list because he not only mentions the shield; he mentions …

Three Applications of Christ’s Intercession

With Jesus Christ, you are never without an intercessor that can overcome all your enemies, comfort all your wounds, advocate …

A Practical Way to Pray for Your Children

Think about how your child needs prayer. Narrow it down to one idea. Then write your child’s name and theme …

Death Does Not Have the Last Word

Written by R.C. Sproul | Sunday, August 13, 2023 When we close our eyes in death, we do not cease …

Why Didn’t the New Testament Authors Use God’s Name? Part 3

It’s plausible that the New Testament authors upheld the tradition of kurios as a centuries-old tradition that people were accustomed to …