
Praise! Eritrean Missionaries Freed! – Intercessors for America

We received this good news in an email from Todd Nettleton, host of VOM Radio. Praise God!

From The Voice of the Martyrs. On July 22, I sent an email asking you to pray for two Christian pastors spending their 7,000th day in prison and to demand that the Eritrean government release them and hundreds of other imprisoned Christians. In the days after that email went out, more than 10,000 people added their names to the list of those praying for Pastors Haile Nayzgi and Kiflu Gebremeskel as well as other imprisoned Christians in Eritrea. …

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Just six days after sending that email, we received word from Christian contacts in Eritrea that 13 Christian prisoners had been set free! …

I’m saddened that Pastors Nayzgi and Gebremeskel were not among those released. We continue to pray that they will be freed from their prison cells soon, perhaps even as Peter was set free in Acts 12. …

And we continue to pray for and call for the release of the 350+ other Christians imprisoned in Eritrea — our family members for all eternity. …

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(Excerpt from The Voice of the Martyrs. Photo Credit: Canva)

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