
Either a ‘lender’ or a ‘loaner’ you can be

It is likely that someone taught you that lend is a verb and loan a noun, never the two to be confused. “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” is Popeye’s friend Wimpy’s request for a loan; to give Wimpy money for a hamburger is to lend it. And yet, such is people’s obstinacy, you will hear them talk about loaning things, many things. 

On investigation, we can find out that loan as a verb has quite the pedigree in English, with Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage pointing out that it has been current since the early 14th century. We’ve been loaning for 700 years. 

Loan as a verb was common in Britain in the 18th century, and so it was in use by British Colonists who settled in America. The usage survived in what became the United States but faded in Britain. 

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