
New Jersey Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic school that fired teacher for premarital sex – LifeSite

TRENTON, New Jersey (LifeSiteNews) — Catholic schools in New Jersey can continue to require that employees live their lives in accordance with Catholic morality, the state Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision Monday. 

All seven judges on the New Jersey Supreme Court sided with St. Theresa School in Kenilworth, New Jersey, after a nearly 10-year legal battle that stemmed from the school’s firing of former art teacher and toddler caregiver Victoria Crisitello after Crisitello told the school she was pregnant despite being unmarried.

Upon her 2011 hiring, Crisitello had signed the school’s handbook requiring employees to live their lives in accordance with Catholic teaching. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes premarital sex as “gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of spouses and the generation and education of children.”

RELATED: Teacher sues Catholic school for firing her over pro-abortion posts on social media

Crisitello, who was fired shortly after revealing that she had become pregnant outside of marriage and was replaced by a woman who was married with children, sued the school in 2014 for allegedly discriminating against her because of her marital status and pregnancy, with Catholic teaching used as a “mere pretext” for the firing, according to court documents.

Crisitello’s case was dismissed twice by a trial court and reinstated twice by the appellate division, NBC reported. St. Theresa’s School appealed the reinstatement, leading the New Jersey Supreme Court to take it up.

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AutoTrader fires Christian woman one day after CBC report on her opposing LGBT ‘pride’ at Catholic school
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Mrs. Sheree Di Vittorio, a Coptic Christian parent, was fired by AutoTrader after radical left-wing activists contacted the company about her opposition to the promotion of LGBT ideologies at a local school.

Join us in boycotting AutoTrader for this apparent anti-Christian discrimination.

SIGN: We will boycott AutoTrader until it apologizes for discriminating against a Christian employee

Mrs. Di Vittorio sent her child to a York Catholic elementary school because she expected it to uphold her Christian principles.

She spoke up at a York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) meeting to object to the school’s sexualization of children and promotion of gender-confusion.

Di Vittorio did not expect to be fired from her job without cause after standing up for the rights and safety of children.

Police were called into a peaceful meeting, and the personal details of the speakers were released by the school board. Subsequently, Di Vittorio was defamed in an article by the highly propagandized, government- funded CBC.

After woke trolls demanded that AutoTrader terminate this mother, AutoTrader did so without any investigation, violating her rights.

The cowardice and intolerance of AutoTrader should concern us. Are we living in a totalitarian state? Who will be next?

Sign & Share: We won’t do business with AutoTrader until they apologize for this Orwellian discrimination

AutoTrader should stick to helping people purchase vehicles, not thought policing their employees in the exercise of their parental and civic duties.


Help Sheree cover her expenses as she tries to find a new job: LifeFunder

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In its Monday ruling in Victoria Crisitello v. St. Theresa School, New Jersey’s highest court said the Catholic school was within its rights to terminate Crisitello’s employment for violating Catholic moral teaching.

“Crisitello, a practicing Catholic and graduate of the St. Theresa School, acknowledged that St. Theresa’s required her to abide by the tenets of the Catholic faith, including that she abstain from premarital sex, as a condition of her employment,” the court said.

“In other words, St. Theresa’s required adherence to Catholic law, and Crisitello knowingly violated Catholic law,” the court declared.

Peter Verniero, counsel for St. Theresa School, told Catholic News Agency that the Monday decision was “a significant validation of St. Theresa School’s rights as a religious employer,” praising the court for upholding the “rights of religious employers to act consistent with their religious tenets.” 

“Equally important, the court found no evidence of discrimination in this case,” he said.

Eric Rassbach, vice president and senior counsel at Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which filed an amicus brief in support of the Catholic school, told CNA the Monday decision will establish an important safeguard for other Catholic schools in the state.

“This ruling provides Catholic schools in New Jersey with a significant new protection against lawsuits brought by employees who do not follow a school’s code of conduct,” Rassbach said. “As the New Jersey Supreme Court recognized, religious schools have a right to require their teachers to follow their faith in word and in deed.”

He also suggested the case, though pertaining to New Jersey, “will have knock-on effects around the country as a persuasively written decision.”

RELATED: Federal court sides with Catholic school that fired counselor in same-sex union

The New Jersey Supreme Court’s decision comes as pro-lifers have raised the alarm about new federal regulations from the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) that could require religious employers to allow their employees to get abortions and use contraception.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) had openly supported the act in 2021 for its potential to “make the workplace a safer environment for nursing mothers, pregnant women, and their unborn children.”

This month, however, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) under the Biden administration issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), interpreting the PWFA as protecting employees from discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.” According to the NPRM, those conditions include “having or choosing not to have an abortion.”

On August 8, Arlington, Virginia Bishop Michael Burbidge, the pro-life chairman for the USCCB, said the bishops’ support of the PWFA had been because of its protections for “pregnant mothers and their preborn children,” and slammed protections for abortion as “the complete opposite of needed assistance for pregnant mothers.” He expressed hope “that the EEOC will be forced to abandon its untenable position when public comments submitted on this regulation demonstrate that its interpretation would be struck down in court.”

Public comment on the proposed regulations opened last week and are slated to conclude October 10. Anyone interested can share their opposition at by clicking here.

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