
Rutgers University To Dismiss Students Who Do Not Adhere to Vaccine Mandate – American Faith

Rutgers University will disenroll students who fail to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The university states that it has a “commitment to health and safety for all members of its community,” although former Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent one from contracting the virus.

In 2021, Rutgers became the first university in the United States to mandate students receive the vaccine prior to the fall 2021 school year.

The school also issued a booster mandate for 2022.

A former student described her experience with the school’s policies as a source of fear and social pressure.

Students followed the original mandates out of fear that they would be deemed an “anti-science MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporter and a grandma killer,” according to The Defender.

The current vaccine mandate makes Rutgers one of fewer than 100 universities still requiring the COVID-19 vaccine.

Reporting from The Blaze:

Aside from the students, faculty and staff were also compelled to get the COVID vaccine. Federal Executive Order 14042, signed on September 9, 2021, required all employees of federally contracted institutions, including universities, to be vaccinated against the illness.

Children's Health Defense noted some employees, all of whom received vaccinations, reported that they received threatening notices to fall in line with the booster mandate. The notices apparently stated that "if you fail to comply with the Executive Order and the University's requirements, you will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, but namely termination."
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