
Florida Fines Medicaid Providers For Using Tax Money To Perform Transgender Treatment on Minors – American Faith

The state of Florida is fining five Medicaid healthcare providers for violating Florida’s rule against using taxpayer funds to provide transgender treatments on minors.

One of the procedures was coverage of a double mastectomy on a 16-year-old girl and another paid for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

“These plans recklessly continued to cover these services with permanent, harmful effects, after the rule was adopted,” Secretary of the Agency for Healthcare Administration Jason Weida said.

“They will not stand in the way of our fight to protect the innocence of Florida’s kids.”

From The Daily Wire:

Though a federal judge recently blocked a new law in Florida that banned transgender surgeries and medications for children, a rule from the Agency for Health Care Administration still required the state’s Medicaid plan providers to deny coverage for all such treatments.
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