
Hunter Biden Moves to $15,800/Month Malibu Home—Secret Service Occupies $16,000/Month Taxpayer-Funded Residence Across the Street – American Faith

Hunter Biden, the embattled First Son, has settled into a new residence in Malibu with his wife, Melissa Cohen, and son, Beau, as details about his previous tenancies come to light.

This transition has led to new arrangements for his Secret Service detail, with financial implications for taxpayers.

Hunter’s latest choice for a residence is a $15,800-per-month 1950s, three-bedroom, three-bathroom house located within a gated Malibu community.

The house offers breathtaking panoramic views of the sea, and its more than 2,500 sq ft area is estimated to be worth over $4 million.

According to the property details, the home is equipped with a gourmet kitchen and features an artistically-designed guest studio that boasts a private balcony overseeing the vast ocean.

Given Hunter’s endeavors into the world of art, this might have influenced his decision.

He has partnered with New York gallerist George Berges to sell his paintings, which have in part sustained his luxurious living and mounting legal expenses.

One highlight of the property is the “mesmerizing ocean views that are the ultimate backdrop for dining alfresco or stargazing over the shimmering Pacific.”

The home also impresses with its open floor layout, wood-beamed ceilings, and large windows which give occupants a surreal feeling of being intertwined with nature.

However, the relocation isn’t only about Hunter.

His Secret Service detail has also secured a new base in close proximity to Hunter’s house, and their new four-bedroom place comes with a monthly price tag of $16,000, an expense footed by U.S. taxpayers.

Interestingly, this seems to be a more economical decision when compared to their previous lodging in Malibu, which had cost a staggering $30,000 per month.

The new living arrangement for Hunter is expected to cost him $189,600 annually, a slight dip from his prior $20,000 monthly rent.

This shift might be influenced by the intensifying legal challenges he faces.

Just last month, a plea deal in connection to tax charges in Delaware failed to secure approval from a federal judge, indicating a probable expensive and prolonged trial.

Court documents have also noted that Hunter has recently parted ways with several of his legal representatives.

It’s worth mentioning that this isn’t Hunter’s first stay in Southern California.

He initially rented a $12,000 monthly property in the Hollywood Hills back in 2019, where he inaugurated his art studio, Daily Mail notes.

Following that, he resided in a canal-side house in Venice Beach valued at $4.2 million.

However, his departure from this property wasn’t without controversy.

A source shared with, “Hunter and Melissa were horrible tenants. Not only did they stiff the owner for months of rent, they left the house in terrible condition.”

This property, owned by Sweetgreen CEO Jonathan Neman, was reportedly left in a state of “disarray and disrepair” with Hunter and Melissa owing close to $80,000 in rent.

The source added, “Melissa was rude and entitled. They destroyed the stereo equipment in the home and when someone came to fix it, they were uncooperative. They also left the place dirty.”

This has allegedly caused the former owner significant financial strain.

After leaving the Venice Beach residence, Hunter and his family made their move to Malibu, where they continue to reside.

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