
Is the COVID Shot Causing Immune Deficiencies? – Intercessors for America

New studies indicate that the COVID vaccine may be causing immune deficiencies in people. What does this mean for children and future generations?

From The Epoch Times. recent study on the immune effects of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has scientists raising concerns over vaccine-acquired immune deficiencies.

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Vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is a new colloquial term coined by researchers and health practitioners since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Though not recognized as a medical condition, some experts believe the COVID-19 vaccines may impair or suppress immune responses.

While the new study does not use the term VAIDS, the researchers recognized “a general decrease in cytokine and chemokine responses” to bacteria, fungi, and non-COVID viruses in children after COVID-19 vaccination. …

The researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, took blood samples of 29 children, both prevaccination and after two Pfizer mRNA doses.

They found that blood samples postvaccination had a lower cytokine response to non-COVID pathogens compared to prevaccination. …

Professor Retsef Levi, specializing in risk management and health systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) that the study “adds to cumulative evidence suggesting adverse immune alteration” by COVID-19 vaccination. …

Accumulation of Studies Suggesting Decreased Immunity After Vaccination

The study is one of many suggesting declined immune response after COVID-19 vaccination.

preprint study in 16 adults inoculated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccines had similar findings of a reduced innate immune response in participants exposed to pathogenic fungi. The same paper also found long-term changes in innate immune cells. …

Since the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts, there has been an increase in cancers in people under 50, with some experts suggesting vaccine triggers. Leprosy cases have also increased, with proposed relations to COVID-19 vaccines.

peer-reviewed study in mice also showed that mice injected with the same lipid nanoparticles used in mRNA vaccines had a reduced innate and adaptive immune response. …

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(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Braňo on Unsplash

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