
Pennsylvania Governor Stops Funding Pregnancy Centers – Intercessors for America

Once again, the left is attacking pregnancy centers, pursuing state-sponsored abortion instead. What will this decision mean for Pennsylvania?

From Townhall. Pro-Abortion Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro (PA) will end his state’s decades-long contract with a pro-life organization, according to a report from the Associated Press.

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Reportedly, Shapiro ended a 30-year long contract with the nonprofit organization Real Alternatives, the first organization in the nation to secure “significant” state and federal funds for pro-life counseling centers. The organization allocated funds to many Catholic charities, anti-abortion centers and maternity homes that help women in a crisis pregnancy. …

Last year, lawmakers sent $7 million to Real Alternatives, which funded more than 70 centers in the state, according to CBS News. …

Reportedly, pro-abortion Democrats and groups like Planned Parenthood PA worked to have the contract ended.

“It’s sad because this is a great program, and you take this program away, abortions will substantially increase in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” Kevin Bagatta, president and CEO for Real Alternatives, told the outlet.

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(Excerpt from Townhall. Photo Credit: BGStock72/Canva)

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