
Senator to Force Vote Banning Mask Mandates – Intercessors for America

We all saw what mask mandates did the first time they were implemented. Should the government be allowed to put us through all that again?

From LifeSiteNews. U.S. Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio announced Wednesday that he would force a vote on the Senate floor of his new legislation to ban the re-implementation of mask mandates on public transportation and in schools.

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In a Wednesday press release, Vance’s office stated that the senator intends to force a vote Thursday on his “Freedom to Breathe Act,” which would bar the Biden administration from imposing any new “federal mask mandates for domestic air travel, public transit systems, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.”

The Catholic senator introduced the legislation on Tuesday, calling on Congress to prevent the mandates from returning at least until December 31, 2024. The law would not forbid the reimposition of mask mandates in hospitals or nursing homes. …

In a statement, Vance said that “[m]ultiple entities within our government, within the public health bureaucracy, there are local schools in the D.C. area now reimposing mask mandates, this is coming back unless we stop it from happening.”

“If they say the mask mandates are not coming back, then come to the Senate floor, vote with us, and say ‘no more mask mandates,’” the Ohio senator added. “Let’s make it bipartisan.” …

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(Excerpt from LifeSiteNews. Photo Credit: Michael Anthony/Getty Images)

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