
Sunny Side of The Stream: Reality-Affirming Therapist Makes Hilarious Memes Exposing Transgenderism – The Stream

Sometimes when I see illogical, powerful, deadly, widely-believed lies mocked and exposed as ridiculous and baseless, my heart fills with a wholesome feeling. A feeling of hope that the truth will prevail, perhaps aided by humor and satire.

I love a good laugh, too. I love it when lies are exposed. So I smiled as I kept running into a collection of memes just released by Stephanie Winn, a licensed marriage and family therapist, senior fellow with Do No Harm and associate producer of the film No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care.

Sometimes satire is beautiful because it is powerful. May these memes help someone see the truth and bring a healing balm by cutting through darkness.

Waging Battle With Memes

First, Winn mocks the idea that we should trust kids to know what’s best for them and let them choose harmful behaviors based on how they “self identify.”

They’re not old enough to consent to inking their bodies. But they’re old enough to consent to losing their reproductive abilities and harming their sexual function.

This one was posted by a different account, but seems to be in the same series.

Winn mocks the false and deadly narrative that kids will kill themselves if they’re not aided towards pretending to be someone they aren’t.

“Trans women are women,” they say. “Cardboard wings are wings,” Winn retorts.

Why wouldn’t you let sex-offending men in women’s prisons when they say they’re women?

Why do we treat people who irrationally say their sex is wrong differently from people who irrationally say something else about their body is wrong? Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness and so is gender dysphoria.

“Liposuction is a human right.” What a great line.

There’s no test to determine who “actually” has a soul in the wrong body (a nonsense idea), and who will regret their transition after a few years or decades. So the logical and moral answer is just to push the kids through, give them exactly what they’ve been indoctrinated to say they want, enable their mental illnesses, sterilize them and make money in the process, right? There couldn’t be any other answers, right?

When it comes to gender identity — and gender identity alone — abandon the norms of therapy and always affirm the patient in whatever she thinks about herself.

Detransitioners shouldn’t rain on the pride parade for everyone else.

Winn made a thread with all of her memes:

Truth matters. Let’s share it.

Aliya Kuykendall is a staff writer and proofreader for The Stream. You can follow Aliya on X @AliyaKuykendall and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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