
Canada must open the long overdue debate on gender dysphoria in children – LifeSite

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

(LifeSiteNews) — Last week, delegates at the Conservative Party’s National Convention voted in favor of a Policy Declaration supporting a ban on “treating” gender dysphoria in children with pharmaceutical and surgical interventions.

Sadly, many children today experience distress about their bodies – about being male or female and about sexually maturing into a man or woman. They may say they feel stuck in the “wrong” body. A technical term for this is “gender dysphoria.” It has risen exponentially in children in the past decade, especially among teen and pre-teen girls. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that this rise is a largely a social phenomenon or “social contagion.”

People who support medical “transition” for minors believe they are supporting kids’ freedom to “be themselves.” But it’s not so simple. A person’s self-conception can change. His or her DNA and biological sex cannot change (though pharmaceutical and surgical interventions can make somebody appear more masculine or feminine). In a fundamental sense, you are your body. You didn’t choose it. You wouldn’t exist without it.

Male and female bodies are good and beautiful, just the way they are. Boys should be free to take joy in picking flowers or playing with babies without questioning if they’re in the wrong body. Likewise, girls should be free to love sports, or finding bugs, or to be uninterested in dresses or dolls while still accepting and celebrating their natural bodies.

But our culture presents a mess of conflicting messages. Airbrushed, impossible standards of beauty and people as sexual objects on the one hand. Yet also messages of body positivity and self-acceptance: “love the skin you’re in,” “amazing just the way you are” and so on. When did “being yourself” begin to require major medical alterations to healthy bodies?

We should not teach children to question basic bodily realties, as our schools currently do, by teaching them that their body might not match their “true” identity. Not only does this reinforce tired gender stereotypes, it also causes mental and physical anguish.

Using “puberty blockers,” cross-sex hormones, and even so-called gender reassignment surgeries on minors is quite new. The negative side effects are many. While most children overcome gender dysphoria by adulthood without pharmaceutical or surgical interventions, once a child is given puberty blockers, that decision usually proves fateful, as most who start puberty blockers go on to also receive cross-sex hormones.

This helps to explain parents’ desire to know what is going on with their child at school, since school is where a child might start to identify as “transgender” and be affirmed in that identity. By the time a child is convinced that he or she is trapped in the wrong body and needs medical treatment, a concerned parent will be in a very difficult position.

Puberty is a natural process that is important for the healthy development of our bodies – including our brains and, of course, our sexual organs. A young person who receives puberty blockers and then cross-sex hormones and surgeries may not only end up infertile but may also sacrifice his or her future sexual function and responsiveness.

For a biological female taking testosterone, it may become medically necessary to have her uterus and ovaries removed, as the testosterone can seriously damage these organs and cause significant pain. One consequence is permanent infertility.

The risks from cross-sex hormones alone include infertility, blood clots, hypertension, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, weight gain, sleep apnea, central nervous system tumors, urinary problems, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, low bone mass, osteoporosis, and more.

The risks of surgeries are significant too. There are of course the ordinary risks of complications and infection. There is also a risk that additional surgeries will be needed, such as to prevent a surgically constructed “neo-vagina” from closing (i.e. healing). The patient may also come to regret the loss of their sexual organs, fertility, or the ability to breastfeed and suffer distress as a result. Such surgeries are irreversible.

Thus, it is no surprise that even progressive, trans-affirming nations have recently reversed or revised their approach to treating gender dysphoria in children. In Sweden, pediatric gender clinics stopped prescribing puberty blockers after a documentary by Mission Investigate, Sweden’s premier investigative news program, revealed that clinics neither fully informed parents of the harmful side-effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones nor monitored for such effects. Sweden’s famous Karolinska Institute, which pioneered medical interventions for gender dysphoria, now only permits puberty blockers as part of clinically controlled trials.

In both Australia and New Zealand, the medical regulators of psychiatry have advised pediatric gender clinicians to first support children’s mental health needs and move only cautiously and slowly towards medicalization. Britain’s Tavistock Clinic came under intense scrutiny for too readily medicalizing minors with gender dysphoria, triggering an in-depth review of Britain’s related healthcare policies.

Minors lack the capacity to grasp the lifelong implicatons of such serious pharmaceutcal and surgical interventons. Altering healthy young bodies in this way is not medically necessary or in the interest of their long-term health. Many people who regret medically “transitoning” are asking why nobody asked tough questons, but instead put them on a fast-track to powerful drugs and life-changing surgeries. We should care about children who may end up in the same positon in the future, with irreversible harm done to their bodies.

Canada has become perhaps the most “affirming” and “progressive” nation on earth when it comes to gender ideology, especially in education and in healthcare. But this has occurred largely without meaningful public debate. That debate is long past due.

John Sikkema
Lawyer, Director of Law and Policy for ARPA Canada

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

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