
In Iran, girls just want to have joy

With its rich history of cultural expressions, Iran is not poor in creating new forms of dissent. One of the latest is girls roller-skating through the streets of Tehran without wearing the mandatory head covering, or hijab. Videos of these hair-in-the-wind skaters have been shared widely on social media. One in particular contains this description: “We’re injecting joy into society, sir.”

Another new type of microdemonstration is girls dancing in public to songs by ABBA or to street musicians. Compared with the mass street protests against laws that constrain Iranian women, the hair-swaying movements of the girls affirm a different freedom through action.

From Rumi’s poetry to classic Iranian art to wedding feasts, “joy is a part of our culture,” writes Tara Grammy, an Iranian Canadian, in Harper’s Bazaar. “Fear is the agent used by the regime to control the masses,” she adds, but maintaining joy has been a means of survival for Iranians.

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