
Catholic radio host Patrick Madrid appears to convince woman not to abort her baby – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — An abortion-minded woman from Chicago appears to have changed her mind after a conversation today with Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid.

The caller, Alaysiah, called Madrid for advice on Wednesday morning after accidentally stumbling on Relevant Radio while she was looking to listen to NPR instead.

Alaysiah was on her way to a “clinic” to obtain chemical abortion drugs to kill her 5-week-old baby. She shared with Madrid that she was a lukewarm Catholic who had lost both of her parents, one to cancer and one from suicide. She worried that a third child would lead to a lower quality of life for her two-year-old and seven-year-old. Madrid charitably and truthfully helped guide Alaysiah to see the problem with killing a child so that the other kids could have a few more toys.

He also challenged her to think in the future about holding her baby a year from now if she chose life, or alternatively, trying to explain to her kids in the future how she killed their sibling.

“I’ve just been so nervous and sick,” Alaysiah shared.

She shared she had prayed for guidance from God about the decision. She worried about finishing up school and not having a support system.

Madrid, a father of 11, identified with the caller about the chaos of having young kids, but encouraged her that God would give her what she needed to raise her family.

“Love multiplies, it doesn’t divide. It’s not parceled out in smaller and smaller groups,” Madrid told her.

“I can’t help thinking about that in order for [her kids to have more things and attention from their parents] somebody has to die,” Madrid said.

At that point she said she knows that it is “a life.”

That life is “somebody whom God created,” Madrid reminded the caller.

“I don’t want to make life any harder on my kids or take away from their quality of life,” the caller said.

Madrid then went on to challenge her to think through what she was saying — “that somebody will have to die, in order for, what you think might happen, which may or may not happen, your children’s quality of life may very well be just fine. But why should somebody have to die in order for that to happen.”

Madrid said that Alaysiah’s conscience was speaking to her when it led her to call the show.

“I think that’s a sign of hope,” he said. “The voice of God is speaking to you through your conscience.”

“I’d rather go through a difficult time than to kill one of my own children,” Madrid said. He encouraged her to “do the right thing” and put Jesus first and trust that God would provide.

“I hope you won’t [have an abortion],” Madrid said.

“I don’t think I will, thank you,” she said.

He ended by directing her to pro-life pregnancy resources and continue to consider the regret that she will have if she aborts her baby. Madrid also suggested she gets an ultrasound in a few weeks.

LifeSiteNews asks its readers to pray for Alaysiah and her family that they choose life.

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