
How to protect your family from woke insanity: a practical guide – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — What exactly does it mean to be “woke”? We acknowledge that whatever it is, “woke” ideology or “wokery” is everywhere: our schools, our workplaces, our politics, even our families. 

Joining me today on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to discuss her book on wokery and the solution to the problem is Teresa Mull, author of Woke-Proof Your Life: A Handbook on Escaping Modern, Political Madness and Shielding Yourself and Your Family by Living a More Self-Sufficient, Fulfilling Life.

Mull first begins by defining what it means to be “woke,” stating that “woke” is the “socio-political ideology that’s characterized by the manipulation of noble goals for the destruction and control of society by radical left-wing zealots.” She also tells me that wokery purposely uses confusing language, as “that’s how the enemy sees an easier way to capture people” and get them to support woke goals.

It was the fact of wokery’s ubiquity that motivated her to write the book. “I just felt that the world I grew up in was calmer, more peaceful, that people tended to look at one another with a more charitable attitude,” she says. “I wanted to diagnose what the problem is, how we got this way, and what we can do about it.”

Describing wokery’s insidious method, she explains that it gets “people to believe that what they’re doing is virtuous, even though it really requires nothing of them.” As wokery is the absence of God, resulting in a lingering feeling of purposelessness, she contends, then wokery can offer the false promise of purpose, while all it does is make someone self-serving. As a result, woke people think that their neighbors owe them something, feel offended, ask for reparations, etc.

“You’re looking toward somebody else to provide for you because you’re owed this thing,” Mull maintains, telling me that government is the thing that comes in and gives the handout. Once one becomes more reliant upon government and believes the lies it puts out, then it begins to exert control, as the handouts have managed to destroy any self-sufficiency and independence one previously had.

Mull offers a three-part solution to wokery in our culture. She first recommends faith in God, linking the rise of wokery with the decline of religion in public life, then educating oneself and those around them about the dangers of wokery, and finally being careful with the use of technology.

We also touch upon the possibility of boycotting certain corporations during our discussion, with Mull pointing out that she lists resources in the book on how one can properly boycott, as well as how one can find an alternative to woke corporatism rife in our society.

“Fortunately, there are still plenty of companies who are non-woke or neutral, and we see more of them rising up and giving us options as traditional-minded Christians who don’t want to fund this terrible woke culture anymore,” she tells me. 

Later in the interview, we discuss what to do if a parent finds their child has a woke mindset. Mull stresses that the approach must be filled with charity and to persevere in prayer for them.

“I would encourage people just not to give up on those they love and care about, but to lead them gently… as they can back to the truth and just to… point out instances without being super preachy,” she says.

“Even if somebody is not listening to you, or not appearing to listen to you, they might be hearing you with their heart,” she says of prayer. “Some people are more stubborn than others. It takes a little bit longer, but to… keep praying about it and… keep lodging truth bombs their way in a gentle, loving way, and lead by example.”

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

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