
The Brew: Porn-Peddling Candidates, Drag Queen Paddled Politicians and an Impeachment Inquiry. Just Another Day in the USA – The Stream

Happy Wednesday!

Big doings, so let’s get Brewing.

Speaker Announces Launch of Formal Impeachment Inquiry in Biden Bribery and Pay-to-Play

The House of Representatives is launching a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday. McCarthy spoke of the “serious and credible allegations” of bribery and influence peddling by then-VP Joe Biden and accused Biden of “abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.”

“Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings. Eyewitnesses have testified that the president joined on multiple phone calls and had multiple interactions, dinners resulted in cars and millions of dollars into his sons and his son’s business partners.”

The White House blasted the news, declaring there’s “no evidence” Biden did anything wrong.

Well, it’s not like there’s video of him bragging about doing exactly what his son was paid millions to push his father to do. Not like Biden gave his son lifts on Air Force Two to craft multi-million Biden family pay days from our most dangerous foreign adversary. Not like there’s messages where Hunter grouses about having had to pay half his income to “Pop.” Or bank records, phone recordings, emails, testimony from business partners and Hunter himself admitting his name got him every gig he’s had.

The launching of a formal impeachment inquiry gives House investigators more subpoena power and legal fire power.

I’ve but one request and one question: A request of Republicans: Play by the established impeachment rules. Don’t take short-cuts. Don’t run a scam, sham impeachment like Pelosi. The corruption of Biden Inc. has been known for years, even decades. The evidence now is blinding and more is to come. You don’t need to play games. We, the People, deserve this to be done right for the sake of the country and future presidents.

And my question: At what point will Democrats cut Biden loose? Or will they ride with him to the end? We’ll know from Democrats on House Judiciary. Keep an eye: Will they be seeking truth or seeking to sabotage the inquiry?

We are Soooo Making It Easy for Terrorists

Two stories in the news the past 24 hours give credence to the notion this administration has taken its eyes off the ball and is leaving the homeland wide open to future terrorist attacks.

The U.S. has signed off on a deal to free 5 Americans held in Iran in exchange for $6 billion in Iranian assets in South Korea being unfrozen. Bad enough you’re rewarding Iran for illegally holding Americans and upping the threat for any American traveling in Iran or other hostile spots. But Iran is also the world’s leading sponsor of state terrorism. You’ve just put $6 billion in their pocket.

Oh, the U.S. insisted the money can only be used for humanitarian purposes. Yeah, sure, says Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. He tells Lester Holt of NBC News that Iran has the “authority” to use the money any way it sees fit. “This money belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money,”

Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security has handed over half a million dollars in anti-terrorism funding to a radical LGBTQ+ group to further indoctrinate school children. The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) was given a $530,000 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant last week. What’s the terror? A misused personal pronoun? And ill-fitting chest binder? Not exactly bombs, beheadings and butchery. Adding to the insult, this SMYAL, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation, is part of the “defund the police” crowd and was heavily influenced by the Black Panthers, a violence-prone radical group of the ‘60s.

As that murderous illegal immigrant who escaped from prison roams the Pennsylvania country side, seems DHS might have better used that half a million bucks to shore up our border rather than sponsor LGBTQ+ grooming.

Politicians Doing the Dumbest Things

Boy, has this been a week for weird antics by politicians.

Virginia State Legislature Candidate Had Side Gig Live-Streaming Sex Acts With Husband … Now Cries “Invasion of Privacy.”

Oh, Susanna. Susanna Dixon is a Democrat running in a tight race for the state legislature in Virginia. As recently as last year, she was also streaming live sex acts with her husband for money. The videos were archived to a publically-available site. They were discovered and brought to the attention of the Washington Post. The Post ran a story on it Monday.

Dixon is, rather amazingly, calling the revelations of the tapes an “illegal invasion of privacy.” Again, we’re not talking about private sex tapes. We’re talking about a money-making porn venture. The AP put it this way: Dixon “had sex with her husband in live videos posted on a pornographic website and asked viewers to pay them money in return for carrying out specific sex acts.” The money, she purrs in one video is for “a good cause.” Apparently, writes Breitbart, that cause was her campaign.

The story actually gets even more depraved. However, Dixon is undaunted and unrepentant about her side hustle, saying in a statement, “It won’t intimidate me and it won’t stop me. My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.”

Burbank Mayor Gets Spanked by Drag Queen at Dem Fundraiser

Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony is giving Dixon a run for her money in the decadent department. Anthony was videotaped bending over a table and getting paddled by a drag queen Saturday at the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats’ Drag Queen Bingo event.

Libs of TikTok reported children were present. Anthony insists no one under 21 was at the event. However Libs of TikTok responded to Anthony’s claim by pointing out advertising posters claiming the event was for 15+ and above.

Would Anthony be bothered if kids were there? As Libs of TikTok noted, the mayor wholeheartedly endorses sexually graphic “gender queer” books in schools.

Victory: St. Louis Children’s Hospital Getting Out of the Child Mutilation Game

Missouri’s new law against child sex change treatments is paying dividends. Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or sex hormones to minors. The Post Millennial got its hands on a letter from Dr. David H Perlmutter, the executive vice chancellor for medical affairs of Washington University’s School of Medicine to staff.

“We have now reached a point where we can no longer continue to operate the center in the same way.”

Along The Stream

Tom Gilson comes in with a hot and timely one: “NM Governor Grisham’s Tyrannical ‘In My View’: What If They Used That Line on Her?”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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