
Embracing imperfection: Pastor Michael Todd encourages transparency and healing within the church

Transformation Church pastor Michael Todd (left) preparing to put spit on his brother’s face (right). |

In a recent candid conversation, Pastor Michael Todd, bestselling author and Pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sheds light on the imperfections that bind us all, emphasizing the need for a Savior even among pastors.

In his recently published book, “Damaged but Not Destroyed: From Trauma to Triumph,” he says, “I aim to emulate the approach of Jesus, not just His teachings.” 

Sharing his own vulnerabilities and brokenness in the past, he leads readers to the path towards healing to perceive themselves from God’s perspective. He encourages to liberate themselves from their past and embrace the destinies designed by God. 

Todd reflects, “When I look into Scripture, there is no one whom God used that was not damaged.” He cites the likes of Adam, Moses, Abraham and others, underscoring that Jesus, though untouched by damage, willingly embraced it for our salvation. He asserts, “It is God’s will for all of us to surrender our damage to Him.”

“In this book, I hold a certain intention, that is to foster the courage within you to present all your damaged areas—be it financial, emotional, spiritual, or physical—before God. He is the ultimate healer who propels you to a higher plane of destiny,” he affirms.

Todd believes that from the moment of our birth, we are under constant attacks on our identity, self-esteem, confidence and assurance. He shares his own journey, struggling with circumstances not of his making, ultimately realizing he could no longer blame others for his present. “Start from what already happened. If you relinquish the power of your damage to the One who turns evil into good, your life’s direction will change. God receives the glory, and we find healing.”

“Many adhere to the message of Jesus, but they overlook His method,” Todd observes. He points out that Jesus bared His human weaknesses at Gethsemane, being transparent with his most beloved disciples. 

Todd argues that by making pastors and ministers as faultless, the church unconsicously creates a disservice to the world. He emphasizes, “They are human, and like all of us, they need a Savior. When we project an image of flawlessness, it alienates many. Focus on progression, not perfection.”

He encourages readers, affirming, “I’ve walked this path, and I’m not speaking from a place of hopeful conjecture. I’ve witnessed God’s transformative power in my life because I’ve embraced both theology and therapy. I’ve taken all my damage and it has propelled me towards destiny.”

In his ministry, Todd makes it his mission to reach those who, like him. He aims to make spiritual teachings accessible, bridging the gap for those who might be intimidated by the Bible or put off by ostentatious displays. Todd concluded, “Their souls and spirits matter to God, just as much as anyone else’s.”

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