
Jordan Peterson attributes Canada’s low birth rate to attack on the traditional family – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Canada’s most prominent anti-woke psychologist Jordan Peterson says the reason for the country’s low birth rates is due to a society that has “demonized family and children” and not, as a recent media report suggests, because of high housing prices.

“Yeah No,” Peterson posted to X (formerly Twitter) yesterday in response to a recent National Post opinion piece titled “Canada’s birth rate has dropped off a cliff (and it’s likely because nobody can afford housing).”

Peterson said the low birth rate in Canada is a result of a society that has demonized fatherhood and motherhood as an alternative to “idiot careerism” for 60 years.

Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, mainly due to excessive COVID money printing, inflation has skyrocketed.

The National Post report cited data from Statistics Canada, with the report claiming that “Canadians are abandoning child-rearing faster than ever. Statistics Canada has hinted that the skyrocketing cost of shelter probably has a lot to do with it.”

A recent report from September 5 by Statistics Canada shows food prices are rising faster than headline inflation, at a rate of between 10% to 18% year over year.

House prices have also shot up due to short supply in the market, and speculative buying and interest rates have risen to highs not seen for decades.

Canada’s birth rate has been in a steady decline for some time now, with statistics showing the 2022 overall rate at 1.33 child per female, a decline from 1.51 in 2018.

A total of 351,679 babies were born in 2022, a number that has not been this low since 2005.

However, in 2005, Canada only had 32 million people. Today, it has just over 40 million.

The generational replacement level, which is the rate needed to replace the country’s population in the absence of immigration, is 2.1 children per woman. Canada falls well below this mark, and as a result, the current federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has turned to mass immigration as the answer to bolster the nation’s population instead of promoting families to have more kids.

Data from the United Nations shows that the global fertility rate from 1990 to 2019 fell from 3.2 to 2.5 live births per woman. “Today, close to half of the world’s population lives in a country where lifetime fertility is below 2.1 live births per woman,” it reported.

Peterson has been critical of the United Nations and World Economic Forum (WEF), which advocate via various programs a world population control agenda.

Last year, Peterson said Trudeau is the “poster boy for the Klaus Schwab and WEF (World Economic Forum) types.”

As a result, Peterson said earlier this year that he is looking at launching a pro-family international consortium as an alternative to the WEF, which he said offers the world nothing but an “apocalyptic narrative.”

The WEF is a globalist organization with radical plans created by global elites that seeks to “push the reset button on the global economy” and establish a New World Order.

Some world leaders, such as Hungarian President Katalin Novák, have gone against the mainstream by calling for people to have large families.

Hungary, which suffered years of oppression under anti-family Soviet communism, has one of the world’s lowest birth rates.

To combat the low birth rate, Novák has unveiled an ambitious 12-point plan for Hungarian families that includes saying “girls should be allowed to grow up as girls, and boys as boys,” and saying parents, not the state, have the “right, responsibility and duty to raise their children.”

Additionally, a strong appreciation for the elderly as well as the promotion of homeownership and opposition to “anti-family decisions” are also mentioned.

One proponent of large families is X owner and tech billionaire Elon Musk, who when speaking with Tucker Carlson recently put the blame on abortion and birth control for low fertility rates worldwide.

“I can’t emphasize this enough: There are not enough people,” he told The Wall Street Journal last year.

‘Nothing’ more significant ‘in life for a man’ than to be open to life in ‘fatherhood’

While globalist groups such as the UN and WEF push for smaller families and population control in general, people’s personal experiences tell a different tale when it comes to being open to life.

LifeSiteNews co-founder and president Steve Jalsevac recently shared his experience of being a father of eight, calling it an “incredible gift.”

“I changed from a narrow-minded, selfish liberal to being open-minded to the real facts about abortion, population control, the sexual revolution, and much more, all of which I previously supported,” Jalsevac wrote.

“After the conversion, we gained the courage and trust in God to become parents even though it still seemed to be a frightening challenge. That was a huge change for us since we were not at all open to having children during our first five years of marriage.”

Jalsevac added that after becoming a father, from then on, he and his wife Bonnie “decided together, one at a time, God willing, to have more children.”

He also praised large families as not being “impossible as most assume,” but nevertheless “challenging and often exhausting,” but trust in God’s “Providence” helped.

“We trusted in Providence a great deal, but I have also always worked very hard to provide for my family,” Jalsevac wrote. “Various people were surprisingly helpful to us, especially because of my pro-life work.”

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