
U.S. Grants Exceed $4.1 Billion for Global LGBT, Transgender Initiatives: Epoch Times Analysis – American Faith

In a comprehensive overview of federal spending over the past three fiscal years, a substantial $4.1 billion has been allocated to LGBT-related projects both domestically and abroad.

This funding comes as many Americans express a desire for a more traditional education in schools, according to an in-depth analysis by The Epoch Times.

From 2020 to 2023, the U.S. government awarded over 1,100 grants to various projects aimed at supporting and promoting LGBT causes.

These grants span a wide range of initiatives, from establishing safe havens for LGBTQ youth to fostering economic opportunities for the LGBTQI+ community in foreign nations.

For instance, the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk, Virginia, received $1.8 million to create a supportive environment for both LGBTQ youth and adults.

On the international front, Serbian activist group Grupa Izadji was granted $500,000 to bolster diversity and inclusion within Serbia’s workplaces.

In a similar vein, Armenia’s Pink Human Rights Defender was given $1 million to strengthen the country’s LGBTI community.

It’s not just large-scale projects that are receiving attention.

The federal spending database, which can be filtered for specific keywords, revealed 1,181 grants, 31 loans, and nine direct payments related to “LGBT” over these three fiscal years.

The more significant grants of at least $1 million cumulatively accounted for over $3.7 billion.

A separate filter for “transgender” revealed 574 grants, with the more substantial ones amounting to nearly $478 million.

One such grant of particular note was allocated to Emory University for research.

The project, classified under “allergy and infectious diseases research,” seeks to study “the rectal mucosal effects of cross-sex hormone therapy among U.S. and Thai transgender women” and is set to conclude in 2024.

The research endeavor has been funded with nearly $3.5 million.

Another notable grant was given by the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2023, amounting to approximately $350,000.

The project aims to translate the Homosaurus, a thesaurus of LGBT terms, into Spanish.

The funding’s influence on the education system is receiving pushback.

Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, voiced her concerns, stating, “The federal government is using the grant process to change the culture and climate in America’s public schools.”

She asserts that such grants are changing the educational landscape, often against the wishes of many Americans.

Citing a recent poll, Justice shared that “more than 70 percent of Americans want schools to teach basic educational skills and do not want gender ideology or sexual orientation instruction in classrooms.”

In line with this, various educational institutions in the U.S. have received significant funding for LGBT-related projects.

Notably, the San Diego Community College District was granted $1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ pride centers,” and Boston College was provided with $1.4 million to research the promotion of gay-straight alliance clubs in Massachusetts schools.

“The federal government thumbs their nose at the American people and continues to push this ideology into our schools,” Justice concluded. “They’re doing it all over the world.”

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