
Top of the Week: Greg Laurie: ‘Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled in Your Lifetime’

Attack on Israel (Screenshot, YouTube/BBC News)

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Greg Laurie: ‘Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled in Your Lifetime’

Whether many Christians choose to believe it or not, Pastor Greg Laurie says we are “seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled in our lifetime,” and we could be on the cusp of the series of events foretold in Ezekiel 37 and 38—the Battle of Armageddon.

As the attacks on Israel by terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah—and threats from neighboring Iran—ramp up, Laurie says it’s still unclear where the current conflict is headed. But, the ongoing bloodshed in Israel and the Gaza Strip is a strong indication that it could be the start of a series of events predicted in Scripture centuries ago, and how Bible prophecy focuses on one city in particular.

“It’s in real time, before your very eyes,” Laurie said in a recent sermon posted on X. “… It’s interesting how it always comes back to Jerusalem. The Bible predicted thousands of years ago that the end time events would evolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris.

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Why Did Haughty House Speaker Mock Congressman’s Faith Before Being Ousted?

Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) mocked the Christian faith of Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) and ridiculed the power of prayer on the same day a vote ousted him as Speaker of the House.

Haughty and disrespectful, McCarthy was gone hours later, becoming the first Speaker to ever be fired in U.S. history.

In the aftermath of this political firestorm in the federal government, Congressman Matt Gaetz’ wife, Ginger Luckey, who is a former worship leader, pointed to the Bible as a way to obtain hope, calm and wisdom, amid the greedy politics-drenched wrangling and gnashing of teeth of lobbyists, big donors and congressional power players in Washington, D.C.

Should Pastor Andy Stanley Be Called Out Publicly for His Recent Actions?

I do my best to be sensitive in the language I use, not wanting to drive people away from a life-giving message because of controversial terminology. Yet there are times when being blunt is essential, and now is one of those times.

That is why Pastor Andy Stanley must be called out publicly for inviting practicing homosexuals to speak at his Unconditional Conference. The fact that these men claim to be committed Christians makes the sin all the more grievous.

I’m speaking specifically of Justin Lee and Brian Nietzel, both of whom are not only openly “gay Christians” but are also “married” to their same-sex partners. This means, that, according to the plain teaching of Scripture, they will not inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Cor. 6:9-10) and their actions are detestable in His sight (Lev. 18:22).

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Loren Cunningham Dies at 88: YWAM Founder, Global Missionary, Evangelist

Loren Cunningham, founder of interdenominational, multicultural Christian training organization Youth With a Mission, died today at his home in Hawaii after a battle with lung cancer. The first person in history to travel for the sake of Christ and the Great Commission to every sovereign nation on earth, all dependent countries and more than 100 territories, he was 88.

Cunningham founded YWAM in 1960 as a way to get young people involved in Christian mission and built the organization into a global missions movement touching every continent and influencing every generation over its 63-year history. He was often called the “deregulator of missions” because he broke the 1960s missionary paradigm by creating a way for youth to serve short-term, interdenominationally and unsalaried. YWAM now has over 2,000 locations in 200 countries, reaching more than 180 countries through three main areas: evangelism, training and mercy ministry.

Although many have credited YWAM as being one of the world’s largest mission movements, Cunningham responded to this claim by deflecting the glory to Jesus, noting, “Well, however large it is, it’s not large enough because Jesus’ last commandment to reach the whole world with the gospel has not been completed.

Some Open and Raw Reflections on the Murderous Attack on Israel

As news was breaking on Saturday and we were learning about the atrocities that were taking place in Israel, I immediately wrote an article. But even as I was writing, the news kept getting worse.

How could this be happening? It turns out that things were far worse than we could have imagined.

Here are some open, honest, raw reflections on the last 48 hours.

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