
Pierre Poilievre calls out Trudeau for only giving carbon tax break to Liberal provinces – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) –– Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should treat all Canadians “equally” and “axe” the carbon tax for everyone, not just one region of the country.  

“Justin—you must treat all Canadians equally,” noted Poilievre on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. 

“You’ve paused the carbon tax on oil heating until after the election. Now do natural gas, propane & other heating. Commons Sense Conservatives offer unanimous consent to pass the law axing all your heating taxes tomorrow. Deal?” 

On October 29, Poilievre wrote also a letter to Trudeau directly asking him to expand his carbon tax break to natural gas users, which almost all Western Canadians use to heat their homes. Poilievre also said in his letter that Trudeau’s carbon tax break for Atlantic Canadians showed he was “admitting” the whole scheme is a failure.  

“You have now admitted that your carbon tax is not worth the cost. In pausing the tax on home heating oil until after the election, however, you plan to keep the tax on lower-emitting natural gas heat for which bills will be jumping even further in mere weeks as it gets colder,” wrote Poilievre.  

“There is no way to justify applying taxes on cleaner sources of heat especially when half of Canadians are living $200 away from insolvency and nearly two million have used a food bank in a single month, the highest figure ever recorded.” 

Poilievre said Trudeau has “flip flopped and admitted taxing heat will not help the environment.” 

Poilievre’s comments come after Trudeau announced last week he was pausing the collection of the carbon tax on home heating oil in Atlantic Canadian provinces for three years.  Trudeau’s announcement came amid dismal polling numbers showing his government will be defeated in a landslide by the Conservative Party come the next election.  

The CPC asked Trudeau to work with the party to produce legislation that would end the carbon tax once and for all, however, it is highly unlikely any Liberal MPs will go along with such a bill.  

Trudeau’s announcement of a pause on the carbon tax for home heating oil in Atlantic Canada drew an immediate reaction from Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe. Yesterday, he said his province will stop collecting a federal carbon tax on natural gas used to heat homes come January 1, 2024, unless it gets a similar tax break as the Atlantic Canadian provinces. 

“I cannot accept the Federal Government giving an affordability break to people in one part of Canada, but not here. So today I am calling on the Federal Government to offer the same carbon tax exemption to Saskatchewan families by extending it to all forms of home heating, not just heating oil,” said Moe. 

Besides Moe, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith have also called for the carbon tax to be paused.  

LifeSiteNews reported earlier this month how Trudeau’s carbon tax is costing Canadians hundreds of dollars annually, as government rebates it gives out are not enough to compensate for high fuel costs.   

As it stands now, Canadians who live in a province that does not have their own carbon tax scheme fall under the federal carbon pricing scheme and pay $65 per tonne. The Trudeau government has a goal of $170 per tonne by 2030, however.   

This will increase the costs of everything. A recent report revealed that a carbon tax of more than $350 per tonne is needed to reach Trudeau’s net zero goals by 2050.   

Saskatchewan and Alberta have repeatedly promised to place the interests of their people above the Trudeau government’s “unconstitutional” demands while consistently reminding the federal government that their infrastructures and economies depend upon oil, gas, and coal.   

The Trudeau government’s current environmental goals – in lockstep with the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – include phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades.   

The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda – an organization in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved.   

Despite mainstream media and many government officials claiming the science is “settled” on “climate change,” a June 2017 peer-reviewed study by two scientists and a veteran statistician confirmed that most of the recent global warming data have been “fabricated by climate scientists to make it look more frightening.”    

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