
Is Pope Francis building a false parallel to the Church of Christ? – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — All of us recognize that the recently concluded Synod on Synodality is going to cause problems. Those at the Synod openly discussed alphabet issues, ordaining women to the priesthood, and abandoning the apostolic tradition of the Church – the latter two of which are impossible to do.

Joining me on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Matt Gaspers, editor of Catholic Family News, to discuss what he thinks Catholics should do in the wake of the Synod.

From Gaspers’ perspective, it seems that Pope Francis is attempting to build a rival body to the Church, citing Francis’ announcement for the Synod two years ago in which he quoted Dominican theologian Yves Congar saying that what is needed is not a “new Church” but a “different Church.”

Citing the opinion of Church historian Roberto de Mattei, Gaspers also states that Francis is “the ripe fruit of the [Second Vatican Council] and really bringing things to a head, bringing everything to its awful fulfillment.” He suggests the same for the Synod itself, acknowledging that the Synod may attempt to foist “unprecedented errors” on the universal Church, just as they were discussed in the Synodal Hall.

Even so, Gaspers is assured that the Christ “will prevail in the end.” Recalling that just as the wind and waves did not overcome the boat Christ was sleeping in, so too will the storms we face in the Church not overcome Her.

READ: Pope Francis ‘scandalized the faithful’ from the outset of the Synod

“I think our Lord is calling us to a heroic degree of the virtue[s] of … faith, hope and charity,” he opines, noting that Christ rebuked the apostles for having little faith for waking Him in the storm.

Gaspers also believes there could be a physical chastisement coming in light of the Third Secret of Fatima. While the future may be spiritually “challenging” for us, Gaspers contends it could also be materially challenging, and that people should be prepared. From his perspective, people should form the faith of their children with “reliable sources” because “what’s been the case from the beginning is a battle of … the truth of God versus the lies of the devil, and then through his intervention, the world in the flesh giving us the same problems.”

To this end, Gaspers recommends people use Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s new catechism, Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith. We discuss what Bp. Schneider maintains in the book; for instance, that ordaining women to Holy Orders is impossible, and that people in public violation of the sixth and ninth commandments should be denied Holy Communion until they repent.

Toward the end of the interview, we address whether he thinks Francis is the Pope, to which Gaspers responds that Francis is recognized as the Roman pontiff.

He also explains, however, that the Pope is not an “absolute monarch” since his power is limited by divine positive law, natural law, and the deposit of faith. “If he tries to change something that’s truly unchangeable, we simply cannot follow him,” Gaspers tells me. “We recognize him, but we resist what he’s doing. We don’t follow if he’s trying to lead us astray.”

He also warns of the possibility that the Synod may act as a catalyst for a formal schism in the Church. When asked how such a schism could come about, Gaspers offers the example that if the Synod calls for the ordination of women to the diaconate, that would violate the deposit of faith.

“Even if the Pope says it’s okay, just because he says so doesn’t make it true,” he says. “Even he is bound by what … the Church has always believed and taught and … preached throughout the ages.”

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