
Ignite Ministry Appalachian State | Deanna Rudisill – Blue Ridge Christian News

The Great Commission at Twenty-Three

By DeAnna Rudisill

Blue Ridge Christian NewsDeAnna Rudisill 


“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out the workers into his harvest field.’”

Matthew 9:37-38

 App State: A few years ago, a young college sophomore concluded that he wanted to be a Christian preacher. His name was Regin Larson, and he was at UNC-Charlotte. 

“My sophomore year I re-dedicated my life to Jesus,” Larson said. “That is when I really had a burden in my heart to preach the gospel. Like Paul, ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.’ 

“I started hopping on my phone and printing out the Gospel on Instagram,” Larson added.

His enthusiasm is still palpable. Then he started making Gospel podcasts. He was a Business Marketing major that turned into an evangelist. “I grew up in a Christian home and attended a Christian school,” Larson added. “So, I knew the apologetics.” 

Now Larson works for Ignite Campus Ministry, a Christian organization that’s goal is to enter and plant churches on college campuses. Or as Larson puts it. “To awaken a generation to the reality of the Gospel. I think college fields in America are white unto the harvest.”ignite campus ministry

Now 23 years old, Larson is a full-time evangelist at Appalachian State [App State]. This is the first time he has been full-time in the ministry. He was a student leader for Ignite for three years and did an internship at his home church in Charlotte – Vision Church. Larson grew up in Charlotte with two older brothers. 

“Some of my friends from Ignite started a worship night at App State and needed a leader on Campus,” he said. This is Ignite Ministry’s first year on the App State campus. On Sunday now they have 50 to 60 students in attendance and have Bible studies and prayer meetings during the week. 

“In the first three weeks of this semester, we had 11 people saved!” Larson proclaimed. “We are celebrating what the Lord is doing. Every day… every week. 

“We had 8 saved the first gathering, then one the next week and two the following!” 

A brave feat to preach the gospel to college students at 23. 

When asked if he is ever mocked, Larson said, “Well, obviously we have backlash and comments, but we are doing what the Lord has called us to do. The joy outweighs the hardship!” 

Larson has an intern and a handful of volunteers on his staff and Ignite is also set up on multiple campuses, like UNC-Charlotte, NC State, and University of Alabama – Birmingham. 

In addition to Sunday service, Bible studies, and prayer meetings, the App-State-Ignite staff also does evangelism on campus.

This too helps bring students in. Larson pointed out that they were in their sixth week of the semester and had up to 60 students at their Sunday service. 

For their on-campus evangelism, Larson said, “We go on campus with a white billboard with questions on it. What are the core longings of humanity? Who is Jesus? Where are you going when you die? [Etc..] Then conversations we have lead to the gospel and saving lives.” 

They do this 2-3 times a week. Their services are at the student union, so they are in the thick of student activity.

 “On Sunday, we have fellowship, worship, and then preach the gospel,” Larson said. “And then we ask people to surrender their hearts to Jesus.” 

Then Larson brings up Matthew 9:37. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” 

Later Jesus says to pray for workers to come.  Those last few words had a profound effect on young Larson. 

“Matthew 9:37-38 is an invitation to participate in the eternal mission of Heaven: To win souls and make disciples. It’s in a place of prayer that our hearts start to get aligned with Jesus’ heart, and we no longer pray for the Lord to send out laborers and we actually become an answer to the prayer. “And we say, like Isaiah, “Here I am Lord, send me!” 

Larson then added, “We get to partner with God in His mission, in his Harvest. As the Lamb that was slain receives the reward of his suffering.” 

Larson and others in his generation are reaching out to others their age in a way the older generations cannot. No wonder revivals are popping up all over the US and the world. 

“Jesus here am I, send me!” – Young Hearts around the World


DeAnna Rudisill is a U.S. Army Veteran and long-time journalist. She left a 20-year jaunt in the secular media to write the unadulterated truth and bring God back into the public forum, finding her niche at Blue Ridge Christian News / BRCNews.Com.


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