
For global youth, it’s green by choice

This week the Monitor launched a seven-part series tracing how young people are forging a response to climate change. Rather than finding despair over slow action by governments, reporters found individuals relying on enterprise and ingenuity to act. In less wealthy nations, they found young people who reject helplessness and are unwilling to wait for the grown-ups to resolve their disputes.

Take a young climate activist in Bangladesh, Farzana Faruk Jhumu. She wants to change the way the Global North talks about the Global South as being vulnerable or doomed. “We want to show there is hope and many solutions are already there,” she said.

For youth from Namibia to Bangladesh, the world’s changing weather patterns leave no time for lengthy debates. Climate change, as the Monitor reports, “is shaping a mindset revolution” among the emerging generations. Some have turned to protest. Others, like youth in Montana and Portugal, have taken governments to court.

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