
The Transforming Power of a Good Christian Education – Christian News Journal

An excellent Christian education can make a life-changing impact on your life. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to attend one for my graduate studies. For my undergraduate program, however, I went to a secular school. Although I’m grateful for that school, I’m also thankful to God for allowing me to experience a genuine Christian education because it helped me develop an excellent Christian view of education. It also taught me how to see myself as a student and, eventually, a working journalist. Here are three blessings I found in my Christian education.

Faith Meets Vocation

One of the most extraordinary things I learned when I attained my Christian education was the importance of combining my faith with my vocation. Whenever the professors asked for assignments, they typically highlighted that we include Scripture to support our arguments and statements — including Scripture allowed me to see how my faith and calling as a journalist intersect. It changed me. It transformed my views about my work. It aligned me more with God’s Word concerning His expectations for my career.


For me, my education was more than getting a degree. It was more than working hard to make the ‘A’ grades. It was also about who I was becoming. That’s key in the mind of God, too. It’s His will that we’re transformed daily into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to do that, we need to focus on His Word and His way of doing things consistently. My Christian education, thanks to my professors’ exemplary character and method of teaching, allowed me to become a better Christian.

Truth Exalted

Through my Christian education, I have realized my faith’s importance and how to look to the Bible to determine how I practice journalism. I know God wants truthful journalism, and our culture needs that, especially with the low trust in news media that the country has seen in the last couple of years. We need bold journalists: Those who will tell it as it is. We need journalists who will not be afraid to stand up for what’s right. We need journalists who will speak the mind of God when culture’s going in a downward spiral, away from God’s original plan and intent.

My Christian education gave me these key benefits. It made me a better person. It made me conduct journalism with a purpose I would never have had so early in any other setting. So, today, I’m grateful, knowing the blessing of a Christian education and having a stronger sense of purpose. Today, thanks to my Christian education, I know more certainly that God is taking me somewhere that will be exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can think, ask, or even imagine!

Akosua Frempong, Ph.D., is a freelance journalist with the Evangelical Press Association. She has worked in journalism on three continents. As part of her journalism experience, she has worked as a broadcast journalist, anchor, and producer. Dr. Frempong is an adjunct journalism professor at Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Moreover, she is the founder of Listening Ear Communications, a company that provides excellent, professional journalism to various news media organizations and publications.

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